Is Josh still in town?

Hey, Just wondering if anyone has seen Josh Hartnett the last few days? People magazine has photo's of him in New York recently.


Yes, Josh is still in town. They have been filming during the day, but start night shooting tonight.

Saw Josh yesterday going for his morning run. It was raining, but that did not stop him


Thanks for that... I can't imagine a nicer sight on a rainy morning! Can you give any more?


Josh did some filming today, then saw him having dinner at the Chicago Chophouse this evening.

No filming tomorrow day off, so whole crew should probably be out and about tomorrow....will let you know if I see anyone around!


Hey everyone:

Just saw Josh at Joey's in Eau Claire around 11:00pm tonight!


Yeah, thanks. How was he looking, who was he with?


Looked good, was with someone I did not know...maybe his assistant.

Will update with next sighting!


Thanks boi, appreciate that. Well I guessed he "looked good"!


I heard he was at Cowboys last Saturday and Sunday night. What area is he running in?


Saw Josh and his assistant having their daily run today. They seem to always run in the Eau Claire area.


Just because I'm incredibly nosey; what does Josh wear while out running and what does his assitant look like?! hehe.


So, what time do they usually go running? Sounds like they are staying in that area?

Why do you always seem to be in the Eau Claire area?

Thanks for the info!


I live in Eau Claire, hence have seen them quite often. They must be staying downtown somewhere.


Oh, ok. That's what I thought.

When is it that you seen them? Morning or evening?


Usually in the evening


Thanks so much for your prompt reply! Now, there just has to be a way for you to contact me when you see him! lol...


It's probably not his assistant. It's Scarlett Johansson. She's with him here in Calgary.


Do you know this for sure? Or are you guessing?


Yes it is true...Scarlett was in town this weekend. I said hello to both Josh and Scartlett on Friday morning around 11:00am while I was going for a run in Eau Claire. Josh had just finished his run with who I believed was his assistant ( a guy) . Scarlett was standing with Josh. When I said hello they both responded. Very nice!

Will post with anything I see next in my little neck of the woods!


WOW! Really I am a huge fan of Scarlett! Loved her in Lost in Translation! boiyyc! Seriously you must call me if you see them again ha!
Where exactly in Eau Claire are these sightings? In the park?


Josh has a birtday today! If anybody knows where he is going to spend it? He is still in Calgary?


Sorry, but is Calgary aregion of New-York? I'm from Russia. And where is Eau Claire?


member-34 Calgary is a city of Canada :) Eau Claire is in Canada too... Didn't understand what is it... Maybe some district or region.
Visit - will talk :)



I can't find this site. Could you write me [email protected]?


Josh is leaving on July 30th
I went to his bday` party last night and it was awesome!


Great, lucky you. So who was there, where was it, what did you get him?


Katherine Morris and the director and his best friend were there and lots of people I had no idea who they were, probably just locals he met here. He was the DJ all night and he has awesome music taste! It was a restuarant called Saltlik in downtown Calgary. It's a really cool venue and the whole top of the restaurant was closed of for the party. and open bar all night!


Sounds like a great night, how did you get an invite? I've read about some of the gigs he goes to and I'm not surprised he made a cool DJ. Do you have any more gossip for a jealous fan?


is there private messaging?? I can't tell you all the details on the board.


Yes, you can send me a private message (just click on my user name) or email me at



Did you get any pictures?


Yeah I got some but there one my phone.


allure gurl; I replied to your PM... ok?


So, anyone know where Josh is staying and whwn and where the wrap party will be?


Does anyone know where the film shot is in town?


Saw Josh last night at the Calgary Folk Music Festival enjoying the funk of Macy Grey. Did you know he wears glasses?


Lucky you! I've seen pics of him in some very sexy geek-chic glasses. What was he wearing, was he alone?!


They were filming in downtown Calgary. He only wears the glasses to "disguise" himself and he was staying at the Sheraton in Eau Claire but hes leaving tomorrow.


to clarify, Eau Claire is a small community downtown near the river in Calgary.


Well boys and girls to use a famous saying "Josh (Elvis) has left the building." Yep he got on a plane this afternoon and has left without a party that I know of.


Alluregirl, would you like to trade photo's? Let me know, got one of him all sweaty;)


Can either of you very lucky girls share your pics?! If not here then email or PM me? I'm a very sad (and old) Josh fan in England who has ZERO chance of seeing him, like you twos!


As they say nothing in this world is free, what do you have to offer? I will consider all offers.


salmanj... I already replied to your PM; tell me what might interest you, then I'll see what I can do!


Sorry. new to this message board. How do you retrieve your PM's? Ummm about the images give me an alternate email address and we can talk there.


No problem. Look at the top of the page and click on "Private Messages", my messages will be in your "Inbox"... just click reply. :)


Was at the Denver Broncos training camp according to Sports Illustrated.
