Boreanaz Rulez!!!

David Boreanaz was on of the best actor in tv...
3 the best TV actors:
1. David Boreanaz
2. Michael Weatherly
3. Alexis Denisof

It is time to be on of the best actor in cinema...
More movie with DAVID BOREANAZ!!!



boreanaz totally kicks ass, i just wish i had learned about this hunk of hot earlier than 2 years ago. when i could have known about him since FOREVER!!!




In Polish internet some time ago was news: That David Boreanaz and Michael Weatherly are friends...
I want to now... - That is true - Yes or Not???

Michael Weatherly to prywatnie kolega Davida Boreanaza, obaj byli widziani parê tygodni temu w barze, aktorzy rozmawiali ze sob¹, nie wiadomo czy chodzi³o o plany zawododowe czy mo¿e o sprawy osobiste...
Obaj maj¹ za sob¹ nieudane ma³¿eñstwa. Tyle i¿ David Boreanaz o¿eni³ siê drugi raz i drugie ma³¿eñstwo aktora wydaje siê szczêœliwe a Michael Weatherly by³ w blisko 4 letnim zwi¹zku z Jessic¹ Alb¹, który rozpad³ siê gdy¿ aktorka chcia³a skupiæ siê wy³¹cznie na swojej karierze. - I can try write that in english


Michael Weatherly is David Boreanaz friend, this two man some time ago (some weeks ago) was seen in the bar, this two actors speak about theirs next movies plans or about their private life, we don't now that...
This two have got a broken marriage. But now David Boreanaz has got new whife, the cauple look nice together, and Michaele Weatherly he was almoust for 4 years with Jessica Alba, this cauple break up, because Jessica wanted to have time for her career. - Something like that, was in Polish site.


OMG U KNOW IT!!! HAHA if u get to know me i'll let u know my AIM and/or MSN messenger name... i've got around...... phhhhhh............. 55? 56? piccies of him... all really hott^^

OTher of his movies:
The Crow: Wicked Prayer
I'm With Lucy
Macabre Pair of Shorts
The Hard Easy
Aspen (but only for like a split second)

