Angel - yes!

So glad we'll be able to see Angel on the big screen. Ok, so he won't be Angel, but he's still David Boreanaz. Any ideas where this is filming?


Omg i feel your excitement!! and sorry i dont know where it is filming but i know that ever since i saw him in buffy 2 years ago i was so stunned!! and it was just around this time, buffy season 2 had come out and i watched it and rewatched it because i couldnt get enough of the hottie!!! and i was in tears when i found out that Angel was being canceled, there is no way that they should have cancel it, was there even a reason why??? i mean, i can believe David getin a little tired of it, i mean Sarah Michelle cut out a year ago and David has been going as long as she has. i understand why Sarah quit though, but i mean David already has a family that is so young and needs to be with


~ Adell ~


Just a little note on DB. He actually played Angel for a season longer than SMG. And DB was there from day one.


I think the president/director of the wb decided to cancel the show, although I'm not exactly sure why. (It could've been a decision by Joss Whedon and/or cast & crew members.) Recently the wb got a new director & he wanted to put the show back on air (Joss Whedon intentionally left the season finale open incase the show got put back on or he decided to make a movie out of it), but unfortunately David Boreanaz turned down the offer to start the show again.

Buffy ended mainly because Sarah Michelle Gellar didn't want to do it anymore & Joss Whedon didn't want to do the show with anyone but her as the lead role.



The WB cancelled "Angel" they wanted new shows. It had absolutely nothing to do with Joss or the cast and crew members.
There has been no offer by the WB to put the "Angel" series back on air and David hasn't turned anything down.
Although there has been a mention of TV movies, so far it's just hot air and promises.

They cancelled to early and edmitts it now.
if they had waited a nother month ANGEL wud never been cancelled.
The new shows they wanted was cancelled right away, they wanted ANGEL back but then it was to late, the final episode was writtend.
they have no movies pland.


I still think James Marsters is better...but I do think this will be one of the greatest!!! David is a good actor and I'm happy to see him doing something else...saddly not on ANGEL though(or with James). I'm a total Spike Spaz!!!I can't wait to see David on the big screen either!



quote findig001 -(even a new series coming out)

What what?! A new series? I've heard nothing about this,please tell me more!
and BTW,i like angel moody =)



Any ideas on when Mr Fix It or The Hard Easy ae coming out because I love his acting. I had heard a little about the series but great place to keep up on David and any of the BTVS or AtS actors are the official magazines. You can get them at pretty much any bookstore.

