Poetic and Artistic

I found the film very beautifully written, and full of small details that are fun and cute, i think it's a reflection of how one artist sees the world, it's full of intricacies that i can personally relate to, the anxieties, the fears, the frustrations, the new beginnings. it's a beautiful story beyond what you're used to see, it's romantic and hopeful. why the panic when there are children involved? children are people too you know and they inspire great things, no need to walk on egg shells around them and accuse this film of pedophilia, that's just unfair to the film. I loved the coin shot, it's like howling at sunrise, a celebration of a new day. The film is true, honest and unpretentious, creatively written and so inspiring visually and semantically.


YES!! Perfect description! I just saw this and am so delighted and moved.


Or maybe pointless and full of wtf moments. Please see my thread at the top of the board.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.
