Very Enjoyable movie!

I just finished watching this movie on cable, and have to say I loved it! I'm going to send copies to both my children lol! I've read some posts that seem to think this movie is a put down on Jews, but being Jewish I didnt think that at all. I appreciated the humor, got the jokes, about DIED when Neil Diamond came on, Garry Marshall stole the movie, and all in all I just found it to be a feel good movie with a subject matter I could relate to.




I got the DVD from the local library. I have to say that this is a movie that I would now like to go out and buy!

I come from Long Island, NY, out in Smithtown, the land of Bar Mitzvahs. I'm "half-Jewish"--the non-practicing half. In fact, I was raised Roman Catholic (my Dad's side) through first communion, and didn't have a moment of Jewish education. Now I'm agnostic, believe it or not. (Heh, little pun there.)

So I can totally relate to this movie, having been to my share of Bar Mitzvahs.
I think that EVERYONE in this movie was SUPERB--and I don't mean just the acting, but the script was superb, the direction was superb. Everything!

What a feelgood flick! I have to recommend it around, now.

And yes, Garry Marshall was amazing! He just makes you love him, doesn't he? And I think I have never seen such a wonderful side to Doris Roberts! Got so used to her being a manipulative, sarcastic shrew from "Raymond," that it was great to see the lovely, loving side of her developed. She played Grandma Rose to perfection.
