Better than the other games...

I've just started to play this game, and already I like it better than the other LOTR games. I guess it's because its more like an RPG, you get different characters, etc.


I prefer this one too. The other's were just hack/slash and there wasnt much else to them, althought i did enjoy them.

This is the first RPG i played but i got into it straight away. The characters are good and the way it blends with the movies is great.
There's more to do, like completing the quests and customising the characters and the battle system is much better.


I wouldn't mind having a bit of both. Choosing whether to have hack and slash or turn based. As well as having it to be an rpg. Did you know theres a new lotr for the PSP? It's called Lord of the Rings Tactics. Found it on IGN.
