Anyone know of a sequel?

First off, I love this game. It's pretty much the only game I play these days. But unfortunately, while I'm now playing for this games (for the second time now), I'm beating the hell out of it (even on Hard).

So I'm just wondering if anyone know if a sequel will follow. EA did a pretty nice job, but fighting against the Eye of Sauron and just the end in generally blew me.

I know EA only has licensing to do things attached to the Lord of the Rings films, but they should really consider branching out and make some other LOTR RPG games not affiliated to the movie.

The Lord of the Ring's universe/Middle-Earth is such a huge world, they could do much to make several games the franchise if they wanted to and I think they should. Perhaps something that deals Chris Tolkien's History of Middle-Earth series or the Hobbit. The sky is the limit.

If EA, New Line and Chris Tolkien can make it happen, THEY SHOULD DO IT!


I've been wondering the same thing. I found on IGN that a sequel is planned (following the same characters as in the Third Age), but there's been no news for ages. Been searching around tonight and found nothing (except for a "2006" release date), but I'd be surprised if EA didn't make another RPG from the LOTR world.

We want the finest wines available to humanity, we want them here and we want them now!


Well there is going to be Lord of the Rings: The White Council Late Fall 2007 and it's going to be an ACTUAL RPG with Free-Roaming, not some crappy-ass turnbase fighting system. The *Turd* Age is an insult to ACTUAL RPG's everywhere(Elder Scrolls, Baldur's Gate)

Savior, conqueror, hero, villian. You are all of these things, Revan and yet you are nothing.



Is it based on the movies?and whats it like?



Sorry to say everyone, but The White Council has been scrapped. A very sad thing indeed. =[

"What the Hell are you?"-Dutch


"ACTUAL RPG with Free-Roaming, not some crappy-ass turnbase fighting system."

I know its an old post, but damn, do you even have any idea what the hell you are talking about? Hate turn-based RPGs all you want, they're still RPGs. I don't care if you hate this game, but to insult every turned-based RPG out there by saying they aren't real RPGs is a bit much.
