


you obviously seen it last nite, i thought it was really good, thought it was so over the top that it was good

I'm in a glass case of emotion


If by awful you really mean AWESOME then I agree.


I didn't find it awful... I mean, stuff like "Grim" and 9/10s of Sci-Fi channel movies now, I'd consider awful (not in a so-bad-it's good way). My friend and I were kind of pleasantly surprised watching it. At the beginning I remarked on how bright and vivid the color was, and that when the blood started flowing, it'd be really red! It was competently made amd we had fun. I was prepared to not like the mean skank character, but she actually won me over once the zombies attacked. I got it on sale for $5 and I feel I got more than my money's worth. Also...I don't mean to offend anyone but so many movies set in Ireland just seem to stereotype the Irish and portray them as stuck in the 19th century, or all the charqcters are either religious zealots, budding terrorists, or on the dole with fourteen kids. So this was a bit different in a good way.

