no 'Friends'?

The VH1 website says that "1995" features comments on the tv show "Friends" even though the show first aired in 1994. I sat through both '94 and '95 and didn't see so much as a reference to "Friends". What the hell? How can you review pop culture of the '90s and not mention "Friends"? Did I see an edited version or something. Has anyone ever seen them talk about "Friends"? What episode is it?



I'd blame the fact that "I Love the 90's" was done too early.

"I Love the 90's" premiered in July of 2004, and "Friends" had just ended in May of 2004.

It's possible that Vh1 didn't want to do a segment on "Friends" because you wouldn't get a nostalgic 90's feeling talking about it yet?.


Friends wasn't really all that big in the 90's. It didn't become all that famous till 1999 in the fifth season. It wasn't like X-files, Seinfield, and other shows like that , that had this huge fan base back in the 90's. Other than the fact that women where copying Jennifer Anniston hair cut it wasn't all that relevant. I think it was in like 2001 that NBC really started hyping it, ( to a point where they over did it). I mean I didn't hear about that show till its sixth season.



You didn't hear about the show until its 6th season? You must have been living under a rock then because Friends was massive in the 90s and was one of the most watched shows on television (top 5 all through its run).


Or I was nine. I either way I was pretty intune with what was going on in NBC. ( I had no cable that and wb were my only source of entertainment).

I was going to watch the movie but forget it.For the next 5 hours youre my bitch.
