This movie was so bad.

Nothing made any god damn sense. I can't even begin to explain why this movie may be the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life! Nothing made any god damn sense.. the interactions between the characters, the "story", the "acting" and the fact of the matter that this movie can't fit any genre (it's not scary... can't be a horror movie.. it's not dramatic so it can't be drama. The so called "action"-scenes does not ad up so it can be an action flick.. WHAT is it?!) just made me hate this movie so much.

The only good thing about this movie is the hot women. THAT'S IT! There is really nothing interesting going on here. Why did the "main"-mummy-guy turn to sand at the end of the movie? Y'know, when police chick and the "good"-convict guy found a motorcycle (yes.. they found a MOTORCYCLE?! WHY?!?!), and then the sun came up.. and he turned to sand?! WHY?! He was in the sun TWO TIMES earlier in the movie? I mean, c'mon!! And the guy who shot himself in the foot (my god, how stupid that was) suddendly comes into town.. only to die after one minute? WHY?!? christ.. I have to take a break now. I can come up with a million more reason to why this movie sucks donkey balls!

Ey! Panda bear.. WE don't take kindly to your types around here!
