MovieChat Forums > The Fountain (2006) Discussion > You will only understand this movie if y...

You will only understand this movie if you are LE SMART.

Jesus what a pretentious and elitist movie and fanbase.

"Fantastic in every sense. This film is indeed poetry, and a beautiful testament to love and the cycle of life, and the impermanence of death. Wow. The script is tight, and the non-linear presentation works very well. The scene compositions were exquisite. The score enhanced without being overbearing, which is so often the case in contemporary film.

The acting is absolutely superb, but then it's got Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz. I can't imagine Brad Pitt doing any sort of justice to this film. Darren Aronofsky lucked out in the long run by getting someone who has the range to portray the vast emotions required for Tomas/Tommy/Tom. Weisz has the depth for regal intrigue and spirited grace. Their chemistry makes their stories even more entrancing.

This film does require a thinking brain to be appreciated."

Just because you understand the movie and appreciate the movie doesnt mean your smart.

And look at this idiot using big words to sound like he knows what hes talking about.

Lmao sad. sad sad.


Art is always open to interpreation.

You're correct that just because someone understands or appreciates this film, it doesn't mean they're smarter than others who don't understand it.

It only means that this film struck a chord within them.


hmmmm pretty weak trolling. :) your statement about "using big words" gave it away.


Not trolling at all. It seems an IMDB board is never complete without someone saying "will probably go over the heads of the masses, only smart people like me will understand it". Just now I read such a sentiment in another thread, about how people "expecting a tacky love story" wouldn't get it. Such flesh-crawling elitism! Some people have other things besides movies in their lives, they work hard, they may have to cope with kids, illness, money troubles - if they want to go and veg out to Sex and the City or Transformers then who are we to look down on them?

If I see a movie as pretentious and self-indulgent then, to paraphrase our friend above, it means it DIDN'T strike a chord with me, not that I'm dumb (though I don't rule that out either).


I think a big problem with people not enjoying certain movies, is movies get watched by the wrong crowds sometimes. There are certain people with certain tastes who watch a movie anyways, and unsurprisingly, do not enjoy it.

A great example is the Lindsay Lohan movie The Canyons. I honestly do not understand why people thought it was an awful movie. Slow? Yes, but not an awful movie. I thought it was alright! I really believe a large majority of people only watched The Canyons because of the much hyped sex and nudity, and lead acting from a pornstar. Not because the story interested them, or the writer or director; they watched the movie for all the wrong reasons, and of course they didn't like it. If it had starred some nobodies or more reputable, "serious" actors, those people probably would not have ever watched it in the first place. People who watch and appreciate slower movies might not mind it, but those types of movies are not enjoyed by your typical average movie going audience members...

Not all movies are for everybody. Don't show Passion of the Christ to an atheist and expect them to love it. Don't watch Fight Club with somebody who doesn't like violence or language (that's a true story lol). Don't tell a prude to watch Basic Instinct. Movies should be selected to suit a persons personal tastes. A universally acclaimed movie like Deadpool holds absolutely zero interest for me, so I choose not to watch it because I probably wouldn't like it. I'm sure it's fine and all but why would I watch something from a genre I almost always do not enjoy?

Just because somebody doesn't like a movie, doesn't mean it's bad or they don't understand it, it just means they didn't like it! Forget it and move on to something else :)


You will only understand this movie if you are the smart?


Delicious -
