Full Performances Are Needed.

Gram's story is interesting but i have heard it all before. we know about his family, that he hung with the stones and what happened to his corpse. what iam desperate to hear is gram's/byrds/burritos music i can't get enough of it. i would have loved to have seen full performances by Gram and the band. surely footage must be available? his music is his real legacy what kaufman did to his body is a sideshow, has already been documented in a trashy hollywood movie and detracts for the man's real talent THE MUSIC.



There are a few full music videos of GP on YouTube. Three I've found are "Sin City, Christine's Tune, & Older Guys". Well, technically they are Flying Burrito Bros videos but it's close.

Also I've found a video of the FBB performing at Altamont on YouTube.


"Big Mouth Blues" is also on YouTube. It looks like the same consert tape that's in the movie.


Not sure if you know this, but a filmmaker can't just arbitrarily throw in full lengths of copyrighted materials into a film without permission from the rights holders (and generally this requires a significant payment). This film was created with a shoestring of a budget and it simply wasn't possible for Gandalf to make those sorts of payments.

I would just be thankful for what he WAS able to make available. This is a fascinating insight into the previously quite murky life of an extremely gifted and influential performer - one who seems to have been predestined to a fast life and early grave.


In summary what we're saying is, the documentary is fine but it could have been so much more thats what the man and his fans deserve.


This being a documentary, I was very happy with what we got. I already have the albums, as I suspect is the case with most people who see this. More live footage would have been nice, but I would leave that to a performance film.
