Is Robin Gay??

I'm pretty sure he is, but I've just finished watching an episode I recorded last night - the one where no-one has a lighter, and when Lillian calls Barry a 'poof', Robin didn't take it very well. Also dosn't he secretly make out, to the audience, he has a crush on Ben - who we never actually ever see. Or do we??

'Come and Get It!' - Betty White


Just go with the flow of the show if you have not seen the series on BBC3 or if you want to know message me! I dont want to spoil the plot for people


Oh right, ok. Thanku! :-)

'Come and Get It!' - Betty White


its made pretty obvous in episode 2 that he is with the security guards ghost story (punching the other guy in the groin!), i think that goes down on the list of the best "outings" of a gay character in film or tv

sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken


I know - I've had time to reflect and now I realize.

'Come and Get It!' - Betty White



I suppose it's up to us all to decide. I actually thought he was straight, but maybe maybe ...

'Come and Get It!' - Betty White


In one episode, Robin mentions "Being in Denial" about Ben, so maybe he is?

"I would love her to be a widow"-David Brent


Yeah, he is.

'Come and Get It!' - Betty White


I think Robin is gay too, It made me believe he was in that episode with the "ghosts on the photocopier" reference. And Robin being worried about the security camera maybe filming him and another guy doing sexual things on the photocopier. Daryl x




After last night's episode can there be evenless doubt. He's sleeping in a chair and starts muttering that Ben's always hogging the duvet when Janet tries to wake him up.



that was funny " ben you're hoggin all the duvet" and at the end " yeah rub it in, bike riding bastard"



I noticed Sally's comment, too. She's spoken to Robin about Ben before (Christmas, I think). She can be quite lairy, but she's very tactful about Robin's sexuality.



is it just me or has Robin only seemed gay during the second series?



I saw him as straight in the first series, but in the second they kind of introduced it more.

right now in the series, it seems that they've made it painfully obvious that he has a massive crush on ben.



Quite right. Robin actually says: "I'm GAME" in reference to something else. Clint mistakenly thinks he's said "I'm gay" and starts applauding his honesty, and how he has always had his suspicions about the whole Ben scenario. Robin panics and immediatly goes on the defensive, with such intensity that it's painfully apparant Clint has touched a nerve.



I think he stuck deeply in the "closet" but he's vey ashamed to admit it.

another example was the april fool's episode, where they told robin that ben had a boyfriend and he looked very worried that it wasn't him, then later on when he found out it was a joke he was obviously relieved.




Holy Hell, he came out.

I am the C.L.I.T. Commander. Whenever you see C.L.I.T. You'll see this face.



Its the last episode in the series!? nooo!
and yay for him coming out!





Ironically in the episode of 'Twisted Tales' written by and starring Mitchell and Webb, Mitchell tells Webb that he always assumed he was gay, which results in a hilarious tirade from Webb.

"What does a lizard know that you don't know?" -Ramtha


that coming out was legendary though! "i'm, er, out and proud..." genius. i hope that's not it for the show!

How did you feel when you were denied these "Hungry, Hungry Hippoes"?


That last episode was a masterpiece. Jan's explosion of anger ... leading to Robin being outed. Brilliantly done. So funny, and so painful!


yeah... god, the end was tragic. robert webb's a great actor...

How did you feel when you were denied these "Hungry, Hungry Hippoes"?


did robin ever get it together with Ben - like when he goes "are you waiting for me?" or whatever when bent over -revealling him to be overtly camp, and then in the Christmas Special? After that, the situation just reverts back to what it was.
