MovieChat Forums > Groove Adventure Rave (2001) Discussion > The americanization of anime.

The americanization of anime.

What I mean by "americanization" is changing things to meet american standards so that its not too challenging. Some examples would be changing shot-gun fire to sound like laser beams in Sonic X, re-writing character's sexualities as in the case of Jakotsu in Inuyasha (whom in the original version is a guy and GAY), dulling down or completely removing references to death, removing of dialogue important to the story because its too controversial, and replacing of awesome J-pop themes with cheesy ninja-turtlish english crap. Hironobu & Hideki's "Sonic Drive" pwnz the crap out of the english Sonic X theme. I don't think it'd kill the kids to hear a song in a foreign language. Inuyasha has some GREAT music and if it weren't for hearing it in an anime I would've never known any of these groups existed. -


Nothing new just the way american is :)

Something fun i noticed you talk aboutJakotsu in Inuyasha. I never would of seen that jak was even guy really until something said it to me a few weeks ago looks like a female to me after all and it is never explaned in the shows as is now


One of my friends brought over his fansubs of Inuyasha and we watched an ep that had Jakotsu in it and he was very much gay for Inuyasha. In the Cartoon Network dub his voice actor is female. --
