We need...

A show that caters SOLELY to gay males and with an ALL male cast. Nothing against lesbians or anything, but you got the l word which was solely lesbians and bi females with NO gay males in it. Queer as folk had a lesbian couple as well. I also hate having to fast forward and look away when the lesbian scenes come on, lol! Like I said nothing against lesbians, but we just need our own show like everyone else has.


Yeah, maybe?? I like to see how the parents treat the sons who are gay too though.


I'm thinking "The Lair" is pretty male dominated, but they have a female on there, but shes straight so no dyke scenes :P unless they have since added dykes to the cast! I have not seen it past the first season.


I thought it was funny (and refreshing) that there was only ONE woman on The Lair for the entire first season, not even any female extras, lol. I think during the second season they introduced some female bit parts (the judge, policewoman, etc). And the third season had a lesbian vampire main character.


I agree (for future gay series, but not Dante's Cove). Although, the lesbian scenes don't bother me at all (I don't have to fast forward, lol). But honestly, they don't have to include EVERYBODY under the sun, it's ok to have a show just about men.
