
Does anybody know what Jackson and Jenna are saying when they are speaking in french?

"Emotions are unnecessary." (Sugar)


Which parts? When they first tie Sarah up and she is complaining that she has to use the bathroom, Jenna generally says she can piss her pants for all she cares. When Jackson is offering Sarah water, he says she's gonna die of thirst. Am I forgetting any parts? Hurm.

Mathilda, don't you ever do that again or I'll break your head, you got that?


"Am I forgetting any parts?"

Yeah there is some exchange between Jenna and Jackson while they are driving out of the city...


It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure Jenna and Jackson are just arguing back and forth about whether Jenna's plan (to highjack the car and get them out of the city) is a good idea. I'll listen more closely and update the next time I watch it.
