greatest quote

the time when I laughed my brains out is when he goes "i'm not actually a comedienne, i'm a magician!"


one of my favs is "we have a 2 party system, the democratic party, which is a party of no ideas, and the republican party, which is a party of bad ideas, and the way it works is the republican stands up in congress and sez "I GOT A REALLY BAD IDEA" and the democrat sez "AND I CAN MAKE IT *beep*


My favorite goes something like this:

"During the Bush administration, we have gone from a record surplus, to a record defecit. And there's no one . . . who can tell us . . . (he stops and shakes his head quickly) where the @#$& it went!


"They told us... that we could survive a fire-!@#$-ball... by hiding... under *wood*. We were hiding under kindling!"


"They told us... that we could survive a fire-!@#$-ball... by hiding... under *wood*. We were hiding under kindling!"

"And if this were a REAL nuclear attack, when the all-clear sounded I could go out to the playground... and MELT!"

Well, thank you very much you pumkin-headed albino *beep*
Kiss me, it's beginning to snow...


"Orange... And yellow... And whatever the f uck the others are!!"


Lactose intolerant milk: kiss my dick!


"They say New Zealand is beautiful and I do not know. Because after 23 hours on a plane, any landmass would be beautiful. If there was just a little glacier with two penguins blowing each other, I would have been happy to see them."

Well, thank you very much you pumkin-headed albino *beep*
Kiss me, it's beginning to snow...


"Well todays really gonna suck ass, BUT AT LEAST I DON'T HAVE SMALLPOX!!"



Greatest wordplay ever. "I believe the human brain is so smart that when it watches you watch yourself watch you watch yourself do something you shouldn't be *beep* doing it says, "you are so stupid, I will kill you."


the time when I laughed my brains out is when he goes "i'm not actually a comedienne, i'm a magician!"

I cracked up on how he finishes it...

"Watch me make this rabbit disappear, and then I just rip the fur off of it. Close enough, fckers!"

*Lewis mimics throwing the rabbit in the crowd*
