Samantha Morton

Absolutely stole the film for me. Her short but incredibly moving portrayal of Mary Queen of Scots was a masterclass in acting. The scene where she waits to hear about the outcome of the assassination - just watch her body language - her feet tapping with eagerness and yet shes desperately trying to maintain composure before exploding with 'traitor..traitor!' Utterly utterly wonderful. She made me believe that Mary Stuart was real living human being, not just some historical figure. Despite Cate Blanchetts wonderful performance, I was far more interested in the life of Mary. Thats all down to Samantha Mortons powerful acting.


I found her actually too over-the-top, gunning for Oscar gold. I didn't like her performance at all, it was just cartoonishly melodramatic and overly conscious.


I agree with you Prelude, and going for a Glasgow accent was an unfortunate choice.

"I beseech ye in the bowels of Christ, think that ye may be mistaken."


I thought she was awful, too. I was happy to see her head go.


I agree. Samantha Morton is a favorite of mine anyway, but I love her performance in the movie. The look she gives right before she says, "What does any of this have to do with me?" is my favorite scene of hers.

...and how will Robert defend himself, if he has no sword?


I love how divided the opinions are about her performance! I absolutely loved it. I don't think it was over the top because the character was so delusional already. The finger-wagging and complete denial of what is happening to her was just so great and realistic.


Absolutely Brilliant.


Definitely eye catching. Still to make my mind up!


I loved that scene. She captures the diva image of May Stuart perfectly. I liked the line, "I am a queen!"


A thoroughly compelling performance. I loved her execution outfit.🐭


I saw the film many years ago but i still remember how much impact she had left on me with her short performance. It was very realistic performance, perhaps maybe too realistic for a movie like this. Her reaction when they need to arrest her should have been her Oscar clip and she should have been nominated for this. So i agree that she stole the film.
