I didn't like it...

I tried to. I really did. But alas, I could not. There were some funny parts and things I enjoyed... but overall... it was pretty stupid. :)


Don't take this the wrong way, but just saying something is stupid without trying to explain or back it up is also kind of stupid.

And I'm not just saying that because I loved the movie.


agree with jfrese. Although there are funny and moving parts in the film, the overall story is just to dull. When the film ended, i felt kinda cheated since nothing really happened. The picture starts with everyone having their own (lousy) life, and ends with it as well, with the difference that everyone took 1 moment to realize that they're family.

Different story's hardly interact with each other. For instances:
What was the broher/son doing in this movie??? he didn't add anything to the plot. The fact that he has find a girl to play Go with isn't satisfying enough. It isn't interesting at all.

Too bad that someone bothers to shoot such nice images and scene's, but does not bother too add an interesting story.

Ash: [for no apparent reason] ... Groovy.


sorry guys... there's no PLOT here.

But OH MY GOD how wonderful it was to see this life afferming little piece of pure cinema magic!

*loved it*


I agree with God of Thunder.

The film shows a segment of a family's life (and all its absurdities), and how each individual tries to make sense out of it, from a 6-year-old to a senile. In the end, they've learnt to appreciate life for simply what it is, and that's really touching and human. It almost moved me to tears (why can't we just stop complaining and simply thank and appreciate life for what it is? Afterall, good or bad, this is all you have, you can't live twice.) Contentment is a matter of mindset.

Having watched 'Shark Skin Man..' and 'Party 7' before, I didn't know what to expect about Ishii making a film about 'life of a family' at the start. So I simply relaxed, sat back and let it unfold before me. It got me more and more engaged, especially from where Uncle Ayano talked about how he *beep* on a 'big egg or something' when he was a kid onwards. This will probably stick in my mind for some time lol. The film reveals the director's deeper layer of talent and that he is not just a QT copycat/wannabe. He truly understands and loves film ('motion pictures' in grandpa's sketch books) as a medium and its relation to the human mind, impression, memory, and life. It's just wonderful.

If you didn't like the film because it has no 'plot', it is your own narrow-mindedness and ignorance that prevented you from experiencing the true beauty of cinema. Who said there MUST be a plot?

The film is about LIFE. Is there a PLOT in YOUR life?


What's wrong with disliking a movie without a plot? Calling a person who doesn't share your film taste ignorant and narrowminded is so obnoxiously pretentious and like throwing up in your own face. For your information, I like slice-of-life movies which are not big on fireworks and big actions by directors like Koreeda, Edward Yang, Ozu, Kar Wai Wong but I find this movie really boring. In Koreeda and Edward Yang's movies for example, each character has something interesting to add to the film although their lives may look dull on the surface.

My main issue with Cha no Aiji is the thinly-sketched characters which undermine the power of the movies. In terms of cinematography, Cha no Aji has nothing on Koreeda or Shinju Iwai's films. The visuals in the former film isn't that evocative IMO.


i'm no expert or anything, but i think that's the message the filmmaker was trying to get across. the mundane and routineness of life gets everybody down. everybody's always searching for something they lack in order to be happy while not realizing that everything they need to be happy is already within themselves and around them.


I thought the son playing Go was the best storyline. I really liked it but maybe I'm just being emo and i can relate to it or something. I thought this was a slow film, nothing much really happened and Tadanobu Asano wasn't massively utilised... but i loved it. Heartwarming film that made me smile, also Asano is just as cool as he usually is.

Seriously there's no-one cooler in the world :P


Dull-Schmull. Cha No Aji is one of my five all-time-favorite movies. It's a perfect blend of all that i search for in a good movie.

You're a square. Be a triangle instead.


When one says that she likes a movie, she isn't frequently asked to give the reason. But when one doens't like a movie, there'll be a fan of the movie jumping on the non-fan's throat and demand reason. That's what I call stupid. Not everyone has to like sushi.


I agree 100%. This was one of the most frustrating movies of the year for me. I don't think i will be ever watching it again. I was so frustrated after one hour that even the 'funny' scenes couldn't make me laugh anymore.

When i see all the awards given to this movie and positive comments i shake my head. There is imho much better Japanese cinema than this.


Just saw it. I thought it was really good. I agree that there isn't really a story but I don't think the director was trying to do that anyway. He just wanted to show us a segment in the life of a weird family.

It's sorta like Lost In Translation in a way. It shows you life. No more no less.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look realy un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


I agree with Nephilim-6.

Some movies don't have to have fireworks and biff-bang-kapow in order to work. This one reminds me of Ozu, Tarkovsky, Hou Haio-Hsien as well, in that it's all about the pacing. Complaints about it being boring reveals an inability to settle into it, and projecting expectations onto the screen in this instance. I find there's alot of depth to it, as it ambles along pleasantly like a day off, full of subtlety, quiet absurdity and allows room for observation.

The setting for the movie is key as well. If it took place in, say, Osaka or Tokyo, it would move wayyyyy faster. Also, I don't remember who said it, but I think Hajime's story line is key to the overall plot, as the movie follows each character's miniature struggles.

If you want slow, check out "Goodbye Dragon Inn" by Tsai Ming Lang (sp? sorry), who also did "What Time Is It There?". Frustrating, initially but very rewarding by the end, and really funny in an understated way.

All that being said, I'm becoming more and more of a fan of slow movies.


Movies like this are so refreshing. The pace flows and settles you into their lives. It may lack that whole movie feel but that is exactly why I loved this movie. Rather than pushing fast moving images and cut after cut, it offers you long beautiful shots that soak in. Most may say I am reading too much into this movie but that is exactly how it makes me feel. Relaxed and calm; don't you want to take a break from the everyday hub bub of things and just relax?

Another movie I highly recommend if you liked this movie is Eureka.


The first time I watched I was also a little frustrated, although I knew what to expect. But yesterday I sat down to watch it again...and I totally (well, almost) fell in love with it:).

I found it much warmer, funnier (and less slow) than the first time. Maybe some of the people who didn't like it should give this a second try.


I thought this movie was one of the most lyrical, flowing and beautiful movies I have ever seen, despite (or because of) the lack of a concluding plot line. Each character achieved a goal during the movie's multiple unfolding themes; most of these goals were satisfying to the individual characters and to the audience even if some were sad. The cinematography was charming and I appreciated the chnage of pace from the city-slick, overly arch cynicism that passes for comedy in Hollywood. This is "Little Miss Sunshine" meets "Kikojiro" and I loved it!


I'm pretty sure Ishii didn't write a plot. Plots make characters 2 dimensional and predictable. He did this in the grand style of Ozu Yasujiro, one of the greatest filmmakers that ever lived.


I didn't like it either. There's some engaging humour and arresting visuals and the film isn't, in my view, undone by the lack of a story. Nevertheless, my concern is that we are introduced to an ensemble cast that remain as quirky, thinly sketched characters throughout. It's this shallowness, this lack of depth of characterisation that undermines the movie. Amongst modern Japanese films I much prefer 'Ping Pong', 'Linda, Linda, Linda', 'Hana and Alice', and 'Kamikaze Girls'.



Linda Linda Linda was not that good - the only interesting character was the Korean girl. Everything was so dull. It's one of those movies where you can only enjoy it if you have NOTHING ELSE TO DO, or you just like watching school girls. Aki Maeda is cute, though.

Hana & Alice was horrible. I recommend Love Letter, as Shuji's film.

This movie was okay if you get the warning ahead that it isn't supposed to be realistic. I found the grandpa really annoying, but the ending was kind of touching. I actually like the Mountain song.


I think it ultimately boils down to what you want and expect out of films. I personally love and search for movies where "nothing happens". I feel like movies with plots and stories in the conventional sense are just kind of done to death. I'd much rather watch a movie that is almost like a slice of life about characters I don't know just going through what they go through.

It's not about "getting it" or anything pretentious like that, it's just preference. Some people like apples, other like oranges, and some people will eat anything in the fruit basket.

Anyway, I adore this movie. I fell into it through a netflix recommendation based on my love of punch drunk love, gerry and old boy



I agree with the OP...I just couldn't get into it, I didn't even find the visuals that interesting. I think I've watched too many of these 'nothing happens'/ 'slice of life' surrealist kind of films...they just seem so unoriginal and pretentious now.


Apart from some beautiful cinematography particularly towards the end, this film wasted 143 minutes of my life.


As always with most asian movies, hyped & overrated to hell and back!


I really liked parts of it, but it did test my patience more than a few times. There is something magical about the film, but the bafflingly long runtime combined with plenty of scenes where nothing interesting happens hurts this movie immensely. Even if someone were to cut 40 minutes (!) of deadweight fluff it would be better. The overall impression is positive though.

