MovieChat Forums > Wassup Rockers (2006) Discussion > This movie is really racist

This movie is really racist

Imagine an alternate film with the following features. All Guatemalan/Salvadoran figures of authority are depicted as corrupt, angry killers with nothing better to do than badger innocent young black and caucasian kids. All Guatemalan/Salvadoran women are depicted as being sexually fascinated with 13 year old white boys, and are all drunken, naive whores. All Guatemalan/Salvadoran homeowners are shown as gun wielding fanatics who are looking for any excuse whatsoever to pop off and murder children unnecessarily. All other Guatemalan/Salvadoran men who are not overly macho gun waving maniacs are frothing homosexuals out to manipulate and molest young lads. All black teenagers are shown as nothing but gun toting thugs who enjoy firing off pistol rounds just for the jollies of scaring kids (whoops...sorry, Clark already covered that turf in this one). And finally, we add to the mix a gang of young teenage whiteboys who are glorified for farting around all day on their skateboards, and are portrayed as hapless victims despite their trespassing on private property.

Throw all that together and you've got what amounts to a sort of photonegative of Wassup Rockers. Naturally, because the protagonists are Guatemalan/Salvadoran, the film is impervious to any suggestion that it was nothing but 90 minutes of racial stereotyping, with one group glorified and all others vilified. If this movie was as I described in the first paragraph, which is a faithful role reversal of the stereotypes hoisted at the audience by Clark's actual film, then you've got front page news of a film that is racist toward minorities.

Ahh...I just love these double standards.
