Real Life

Does anyone know what became of these kids and what they did with the money earned from the film/punk band and if they're still living in the ghetto or doing something great with their lives? I'd be really interested to know.

I'm a pretentious *beep* who puts in obscure movie quotes under his signature for recognition.


What are the boys up to now?

Clark says, They are goign to school. They are growing up. They've seen the film. They like it. But kids from the ghetto don't get that excited. These are poor kids, really poor. Life is rough and they've been disappointed. They're not goign to set themselves up for disappointment."
Taken from the official Wassup Rockers site:


You mispelled "going" twice. Was that on purpose?

"If you know how to rock, you don't have to shock."



Most of the boys still skate for a skate team, they've been out here skating before. You can still spot them at LA punk shows, especially Moral Decay (broke up awhile ago, a real loss to LA punk) and South Central Riot Squad (have broken up a bunch of times, supposedly playing their for sure last show this friday)

Basically they are just going through their life, having fun and doing what they want.
