The Audience

As being a teenaged punk who lives in the "ghetto", though well educated for my age, I can relate to and understand this movie, and its one of my all time favorites. I think that this movie appeals to a few demographics. People who don't know about the culture, weather it be punk, latino, skateboarding or teenagers, probably wont enjoy it. Yes the "acting" is god awful. Jonathon(sp?) stammers and fills in his lines with "and then.." or "like.." countless times. But anyone who has grown up with latinos or most teenagers in this day will note that they all talk like that, and i think that letting the kids in the movie improvise adds to the realism of it.

People saying that the girls in the movie are all portrayed as tramps, well yes they are. But the reality is that many, many girls are scandalous. Iv had the displeasure of meeting hispanic and caucassian "whores" alike, and they aren't few in number.

Im white, and iv grown up in a all hispanic and african american city, and iv never been friends with girls in my life. Im a "punk kid" and this movie is completely realistic. I have gotten into many of the shenanigans portrayed in the movie. This stuff happens in real life. I have had friends get killed and sent to jail.

This movie is a sort of classic for the people in this town. Many people have gotten their nicknames from Wassup Rockers and it feels like a sort of legacy for us.

I understand why people don't like this movie and im not trying to defend it, but if you dont know anything about today's culture, you probably wont like this movie.

*Sorry for all the typos. Im in my health class while writing this and have alot of distractions


It was fun, i wouldn't nominate it for an Oscar. Mexican metalhead from East L.A., i really thought George Lopez was behind some of the jokes, with the "and then" and all that rambling, you'll get it if you're from here but if you're not you'll think they're just dumb actors. The rockers don't get the hoodrat girls so i didn't get that part, i agree with the people who say it was pretty pointless. The white people were over the top racist, the girls were over the top skanky, but whatever it takes me back to the days of skatepunk with the homies, of course we would never have wondered off to Beverly Hills lol.


I like how you claim to be well educated, but make so many elementary mistakes with your grammar, and then follow it up with a pathetic excuse. For someone so well educated, you need to pay attention in class instead of writing pseudo-intellectual reviews of movies.


