MovieChat Forums > The Unseen (2005) Discussion > SAW IT IN BIRMINGHAM, AL-- AT 'SIDEWALK ...


I have seen everything that Gale Harold has done to date, with the exception of "Life on the Ledge," and "The Unseen" was, by far, his BEST work yet.

I am going CRAZY trying to find a way to locate and purchase the DVD, but am having NO luck...;-(

Can ANYONE help me locate this DVD? Why is it not available for purchase? OR is it, and I am just not locating it???

Please help? I spoke to the film's Director, Lisa France, and the stylist/actor Philip Bloch, who played "Sammy" in the film, for a little while at the initial screening in Birmingham, and Ms. France stated that her film (The Unseen, of course) --- would certainly be available, EVENTUALLY, for purchase, but this was almost a YEAR ago, and still nothing.

Can anyone help me? PLEASE?


it isn't out yet. still playing festivals i think. tried contacting but can't get any news about what's giong on with it. whether it got a distributor or going straight to dvd or what. wish i had more to tell you. if you can find anything out, please post it. thanks.


Thanks for your reply, and so sorry for aiting so long to check I am STILL WAITING for the release of The Unseen.....I am really starting to lose hope. Any new data on this subject? ANYONE?


Thanks for your reply, and so sorry for waiting so long to check I am STILL WAITING for the release of The Unseen.....I am really starting to lose hope. Any new data on this subject? ANYONE?



The address shebear gave you will help you purchase the DVD. A price of l9.95 with additional charges of about 7 dollars.
It is my understanding that the makers and producers of the movie are offering it themselves because distributors wanted them to change the content of the movie, and rather than compromise the story they refused.
It comes without furbelows or fancy dressing in a paper envelope and cardboard mailer, but the cover is not the book. What is contained therein is an excellent movie, gorgeous scenery, lots of Gale time, and a good story. I was most impressed by Gale Harold and Catherine Dent's portrayals. They seemed born to the roles. The others were also good, but I thought Cesaer as Mama Jack could use at least two more acting lessons.
