MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man 3 (2007) Discussion > What Went Wrong With Spider-Man 3

What Went Wrong With Spider-Man 3

How did Spider-Man 3 take Sony's original web-slinger movie trilogy from the top of the superhero tree to the bottom of the bathtub? As recently reported, Marvel Studios are lining up Sam Raimi to take over from Scott Derrickson on Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness and it would be an understatement to say fans are eager to see what the renowned director could do with the inherent madness of Dr. Stephen Strange. Aside from his pioneering Evil Dead franchise, Raimi is perhaps best known for directing the original Spider-Man movies starring Tobey Maguire as the titular web-slinger.

Both 2002's Spider-Man and the 2004 follow-up were instrumental in establishing superheroes as a key part of the cinematic calendar, and struck the sweet balance between drawing in a new generation of young Spidey fans and pleasing grown-ups that had harbored an obsession with the Marvel character since his days as a cartoon meme machine. It was arguably this mixture of mainstream popularity and geek appeal that paved the way for the MCU while it was merely a twinkle in Kevin Feige's eye.

After a pair of financial juggernauts, it seemed like Raimi's Spider-Man franchise could do no wrong, but then along came a Spider-Man 3 to prove that this new generation of cinematic superheroes was still susceptible to the Batman & Robin treatment if handled improperly. Raimi and the original trilogy cast were denied the opportunity to set the record straight when Spider-Man 4 fell through, leaving the third film as an awkward finale to an otherwise stellar franchise. Here's exactly where Spider-Man 3 went wrong.


They shouldn't have forced him to do Venom but Raimi shouldn't have made Sand Man Uncle Ben's killer. That ended up ruining the entire origin. With that it makes it turn out that Uncle Ben still would've died even if he stopped the robber. Because if Peter stopped the robber, then came down the elevator, then ran up to Uncle Ben who has this other guy pointing a gun at him, Peter would yell, "Get away from my Uncle!" resulting in him still getting startled and shooting Uncle Ben! What was Raimi thinking with that!?


A lot went wrong. Such a shame that the studios interfered. It's a common problem when they try to mess with a director's vision. It's amazing he was able to do what he did with the first two movies.

Also yeah, the plot of Sandman involved with Uncle Ben's death and the butler (who came out of nowhere) deciding to tell Harry the secret is just really dumb.


The thing is though Sand Man being Uncle Ben's killer might have still happened if Raimi hadn't been forced against his will to do Venom.


True, but at least the story might have had a chance to be better.


Nothing went wrong. It was hilarious.


What went wrong? simple, they made it.


It wasn't so much that they made it (it was inevitable, that there was going to be a third Spider-Man after the positive reception from the previous one), it's that they tried to do way too much, all at once. The movie was arguably screwed, when Avi Arad forced Sam Raimi to include Venom, even though Raimi made it known that he didn't like the character. It seemed that at that point, Raimi was making the movie out of obligation instead of as a passion. Plus, he was already backed into a corner because he had to finish off Harry's arc, that was set up in the previous movie.


The whole thing is a mess, but the Venom casting is the standout blunder.


Good actor, but he seems very miscast. Didn't know at the time but my dad told me he's really nothing like what Eddie Brock is supposed to be like.


It's a mess that tries to do way too much with it's story and the result is not only uneven but also boring.


Peter Parker, ladies man, walking down the street. It made no sense.


Too cluttered basically.

The second movie left a cliff-hanger with Harry finding out that Spider-Man "killed" his uncle, and moving towards being a villain himself.

With that all happening, we didn't need to bring in Venom, establish what black symbiote was and do the evil Peter Parker storyline as well. Also, having The Sandman as a third villain through all this didn't help. There was just too much going on.

It ended up with what felt like a Venom cameo at the end, which wasn't very interesting and didn't do the Venom character justice. Whereas maybe having a separate Spider-Man vs Venom movie would've been better.


It's sad to think that the movie could've been amazing had it centered more on just one of those storylines instead of trying to all at once.


Often super hero sequels tend to bring in several villains instead of focussing on one villain. Even going back to Batman Returns. I'm not sure why.


I liked Batman Returns even though it's a movie with a lot of problems. There was way too much center on the villains, but I found it very entertaining due to the performances. Perhaps the reason is a sequel tries to explore more. It just doesn't usually work.


Maybe they just see the first one as an origin story, then try to ramp up the threat in the sequels.

That or they're in a rush to get all villains involved.


Both lol


If memory serves right, I remember there was too much happening in that film. It was too busy. I still liked it but maybe one of the story lines should have been cut.


Yeah, that was the main issue. Too many storylines were crammed in so it became really messy.
