The Sequel!

I heard from my family that there making a sequel soon!

In this one gabe meets rosemary but unfortunately rosemary is found stabbed.

so he looks for the killer!

and after that theyll make a littlle manhatten 3:gabe grows pubes Rated:X

may the force be with you


interesting... eh..?


this doesn't sound real...


the third one is fake i mADE that one up but the second one is real

may the force be with you


yea the 3 was like eeewww

(> <) i enjoy being the bad bunny its fun


even so i don't think the second one sounds very probable... i mean if they wanted to do that they would kinda announce it our something, won't they?


Well my sisters friends uncle knows the producer of littke manhatten and he said they where planning on making a sequel.

may the force be with you


yea and who would believe you after that stupid racial post you made here and on the cole sprouse boards?
I sure wouldn't

Dude, I slayed you once, Don't make me slay you again


Ok i apolagize to that but this is true! Im not kidding this time!

may the force be with you



1.I dont believe that your the real charlie! (your probably some bald 50 year old pedofile!)

2.The guy said they probably wont make it but they where thinking of it(the third movie i said thats like rated x is fake)

3.The guy said its more like into the future like 2009 so they might need someone older.

4.See Number 1!

5.and finally see number 1!(again)

may the force be with you


oh my goshh. yeah i'm sure..



It is 2009, still no sequel, and I don't think movies are rated "x" in united states. We usually I think get G, PG. PG7, PG10, PG13, and R.

Fun Fun Fun


Wow, this is an old topic. The writers never planned on a sequel and even if they did it wouldn't be so graphic and vile as the OP had put it, this is obviously a joke.

You are the thunder and I am the lightning, everything comes naturally.


I laughed so hard at this post. Thank you!
