Sarasota,FL Apr 14-15

This film will be playing at the Sarasota Film Festival April 14 and 15. Tickets can be purchased in advance on the film festival website. We're excited we'll finally be able to see this film in Florida!!!!! Heard today that it will be in Gainesville area in June. See you all in Sarasota!


Hi! It's Sandra, little girl's mom. Please let me know as soon as you find the date for the showing of the movie in Gainsville. I can't wait to see it. I'm glad is finally here. Say hi to PJ.


Hi there! I sent you a private message!


Hi! It's Sandra. Sorry I didn't get your message, but I am planning to go see the movie this week. Talk to you later.


Ok, I'll send you another private message. Call me!!!!! See the message for phone number and email! Where are you seeing the movie?
