MovieChat Forums > The Hawk Is Dying (2008) Discussion > Any Harry Crews fans around these parts?...

Any Harry Crews fans around these parts?...

Well... Are there? Despite what the critics may say I love his work-- no matter how absurd and ridiculous it is there is always something that I find fascinating with his stuff. I always come back and re-read "Body" and "Feast of Snakes" every couple of years. So I've been anticipating this movie for quite awhile to say the least.


Well, I LOVE his work by and large, and re-read similarly. Only just heard this film had been made. Think the casting could be interesting. Hope they pulled off a good version, cause the book is amazing.


I've heard this movie sucks, which is kind of disappointing to hear. I'm still going to check it out, hopefully they will re-publish the book (seeing as how it is still nearly impossible to find---- Just like Naked in Garden Hills, The Gospel Singer, This Thing Don't Lead to No Heaven, etc.)

"We need an electrician up here, we can't stop the dancing chicken."


I'm a HUGE fan of Harry Crews. I wish more of his books would be turned into movies if for no other reason but to make him aware to people who don't know him. I'm still waiting for my copy of his latest to get to me from Amazon. They've asked me to wait for a delay twice now. I've lucked out and have been able to get The Hawk is dying, Gospel Singer, and other old ones at used book stores but I'm still missing about 2 or 3. Crews rocks!


don't know if this interests you slappy, but he also makes a guest appearance as a storyteller (himself, really) in "searching for the wrong-eyed jesus". if you're a fan of jim white's music, or any spiritual folk music, check it out.



Yes Dr, I can't find those either.
Maybe we should list our collections. Brag a little, compare & praise.
And I want to see Duffy Deter in 'Enthusiasm' on the silver screen.
