Questions...(spoile rs)

1: Why didn't Fred at the beginning of the movie, therefore using the death as motivation for George finally go to the extreme of his hunger/sleep strike? I didn't really get the motivation behind George.

2: What is up with the Betty/Fred scene when Betty urinates on herself? I am just lost as to why it happened, what it's supposed to signify, etc. The commentary doesn't seem to shed any more light on it.



Fred's death only pushes George over the edge. He is already in a state of obsession about the hawk and what it means to him
The most important speech in the movie comes when George tells the Michelle Williams character about finding his grandfather dead in the field when George was a child. The body was being torn apart by carrion birds...then a hawk came and frightened them all off. It's symbolic of a natural force that can "make everything alright" ("you're alright" is a common phrase of George's). He fixated on the hawk as a symbol and never lets go. When Fred came along with his mental disorder, George thought the hawk training and mastering could fix Fred. It fails more than once when the bird dies. Then, when Fred dies, George becomes so obsessed with the hawk he can no longer function normally. In the end, he comes to terms with his fixation, and frees the hawk, symbolically letting go of his tormented feelings.


Interesting interpretation. I guess I kind of buy it.



I think her peeing herself was to show that she's never been treated with any kind of real love or affection and she got returned to her childhood dreams of romance. The fact that Fred didn't actually touch her and uttered "love" to her was revealed as having a significant impact on her. She was probably preparing to just get hammered in the sack and then got blindsided by the real feeling of love, which is probably her first time feeling that.


Hitpawz, I think you're right and it makes so much sense. Wow.
