MovieChat Forums > FarCry (2004) Discussion > Which version of Far Cry is better.........

Which version of Far Cry is better............. ..

the PC version or the Xbox version? Which one do you prefer, and why.

I love the PC version, but I haven't played the Xbox version. I heard the 360 version isn't as good as Xbox.

Doesn't Instincts kind of cheapen the gameplay? With the PC version, you have to survive, you're trying to figure out what's going on, and you want to get off the island. Not to mention that the islands are ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL and MASSIVE!!!!!!!!!!! Plus, the enemy A.I. is so advanced. While it does make the gamplay frustrating at times, but, that was the beauty of the game. You have to fend off against these guys who know how to use tactics really well, they're out to kill you, they're heavilly armed and well trained, so it makes a lot of sense of why they're really tough enemies.

In Instincts, I haven't played the game yet, so I don't know, but, hearing that you get superpowers, doesn't that ruin the purpose of trying to survive on the islands with using the guns, and using your own tactics to take down the enemy, and to use your own cunning and things like that? I heard that Instincts the A.I. is easier, especially when you have superpowers, so it's more run-'n-gun style action, but hey, I haven't played it yet, but I have seen videos of the game.

To me, I feel that the PC version is a little better. Don't you all agree?





I loved the Far Cry for PC better then the Xbox or 360 version...The 360 version isn't as original as the PC also the characters have better animations and the Guns are better. Instincts is made by Ubisoft Montreal so basically it's not a Crytek game crytek only let them take the series and butcher it with Feral Powers. the duals are cool but if you have the Matto 4 MOD then screw instincts. Matto 4 has a better plot, story line and better added weapons then instincts will ever have. Instincts was just a quick way to gain money. The Shadows may not be as "Exaterated" on PC but the graphics are beter in a sense that people dont look liek modly crap when you get up close. The PC is much better i'd rate the PC with a 9.5 and the 360/xbox version with a 7.0 The PC is just overall better.


PC also had better weapons and such. The console had weapons no one cares about. The feral powers was a nice thoghut but for survival adn hunting like Far Cry on pc, no. I disliekd the voices too.

I liked online play but I still much prefer the pc.


I had the 360 versions, they were the exact same as the xbox versions, just nicer to look at in hi def and moved better, but they reduced the game to a linear shooter... something the pc version was not.
