MovieChat Forums > Death in Gaza (2004) Discussion > Boycott Israeli and American products NO...

Boycott Israeli and American products NOW!

For world stability I think it was a mistake to form Israel. I hope Obama wins the upcoming election and that he reasons with, helps and cooperates with the Arab 'communities'. 9/11 wasn't an act of blind insanity. Several US governments had been backing Israel whatever they did, Bush being one of them. I don't understand how so many Americans can be so completely oblivious to how their country's actions greatly have affected other peoples lives negatively. With great power comes great responsibility. And today USA have the military power. Bush should be tried in that puppet court in Haag for invading Iraq. Clinton did fairly well internationally afa I remember. What I have to respect though is that Bush was honest b4 getting elected. - I will do what is good for us, America (regardless of how it affects others), was his answer on his foreign policy. Dude, he wasn't lying... UN... would be the best (I guess if it worked). I'm not buying ANY Israeli products ever again. Same goes for American products as long as Bush is in office.

My 2 cents.


What the hell is made in Israel?


Not sure what is currently made in Israel, but I can think of a ton of things that were invented or developed there.


They do grow good fruit...


Let's take a look into a world map. How many countrys, land does the arabs own?
Israel is nothing but a tiny country you can't even spot in a map! And despite that, it has become of the fastest growing country in the whole world. Both arabs and jews benefits from one of the top health care and education systems in the world, and most Israelis enjoys a normal "western" life.

Remember Israel has only 60 years of life, and in that timeline it had achieved what no other country in the world could.

Many of the high tech technology, specially in the fields of pharmaceutics and medice where built or made by Israelis. ICQ, the first massive instant chatting program was made by Israelis.

You can criticize Israel actions but not the right of existence of a rightful place of their own for the Jewish people. Jerusalem was always jews holly's city. Jews all over the world turn to pray to Jerusalem. Muslims do the same facing towards Mecca.

The reality is that when Israel was created in 1948, there was already infrastructure popper of a country that preceded it. Routes, hospitals, even universities. The arabs can't claim such things.

Many talk about "Zionism", the movement that seeks to have a Jewish State as racist, yet, arabs in Israel enjoys the same benefits as jews (they are considered equals and "Israelis") They have vote and voice in the Knesset (Parliament)

Refugees? Israel is the only state in the world that looks up to save every life of their own, as if the country was the mother of any jew in danger, regardless of where he/she lives, and for that Israel is called "racist", for doing what every nation in the world should.

The truth is that the arabs never cared much about the Palestinians. When did they aided them? When did they offered shelter in their countries? Never..It was always a rude to have a pretext to attack Israel.

Arab nations can't not toletare to have a Jewish and prosper State (and yet so small!) while they get huge extensions of desert and dust.

In this documentary, you could see the hatred that is being taught into this kids minds. Israel desires nothing but a lasting peace, but this will be never achieved if whole generations are corrupted into violence and hatred.
Stop the hatred, stop the evil, and peace will prevail in whole Palestine.

America is not Israel, and Israel is not America. I invite you, and any of you to visit Israel. I promise you it's going to change your mind about a lot deal of things.

It is a tragedy that this man, James Miller could not live to portrait the other side of the history. Indeed it's a tragedy, everything is, and a miracle.

Be The Miracle.


Federgaon, I understand you're an apologist for Israel, but your statements are absolutely absurd. What you failed to mention is the fact that Israel was created by ethnically cleansing the Palestinian population off the land to create a Jewish state. Unfortunately, Zionists are not satisfied with the land they already took from the Palestinians to date and have been trying to expand their territory ever since. They are currently illegally occupying the West Bank, the Golan Heights, East Juresalem, and Gaza in violation of UN Resolutions and international law. The freedom and human rights of Palestinians are constantly being violated by Israel while it continues to build illegal Jewish-only settlements there. Israel continues to steal their land, water, and livelihood with the aim of annexing what little land Palestinians have remaining. Yet you say Israel "desires nothing but a lasting peace?" What kind of peace is that? Treat people like dirt, demolish their homes, take away their rights, steal their land and resources, kill them by the thousands, and then because some of them resist using violence (because Israel and the U.S. constantly block a political solution to the conflict), you claim Israel wants peace? Unreal.

Your statements that Arabs enjoy the same rights as Jews in Israel is a complete absurdity. Either you know what is going on there and you are lying, or you are ignorant of the facts. Even Israel's own human rights organizations have concluded that Israel has become an apartheid state, not to mention leaders from South Africa such as Desmond Tutu who lived under South African apartheid and says Palestinians are treated worse by Israel than blacks were under South African apartheid. Yet you somehow come to the conclusion that "they are not racist?" That's completely absurd.

Every year, the UN tries to pass what's called the Peaceful Settlement of the Palestine Question, which basically provides the two-state solution, which happens to be in accordance with international law, yet Israel (backed by the U.S. and a few island countries) continues to reject it year after year. On the other hand, the rest of the world, including every Arab country, votes for it. Israel does not want to resolve the conflict, because it wants to annex the remaining Palestinian lands it has been illegally occupying for more than 40 years now. In the meantime, they are buying time to continue to demolish and expel Palestinians and are expanding the Jewish-only settlements so they can eventually claim the land has become so Jewish, it only makes sense to annex it with Israel.

The underlying issue is, Israel prefers territorial expansion over peace, but it plays a propaganda war and presents itself as a victim of hatred and racism while it continues to implement a policy of apartheid and ethnic cleansing.


Perhaps you should take a more in depth look at the situation, i would especially recommend you look more into it from an Israeli viewpoint.


I have come to the conclusion that you are completely absurd. You want to know about the lives of Arabs in Israel? There is one that will be happy to tell you the truth and how it relates to true African apartheid system.

I for one am boycotting Palestine. It has not been easy (to find a single contribution Palestine has made to the world). I have given up so much (time trying to figure out just one thing they have given us). But thus is my zeal. I encourage everyone displeased with Israel's response to watch this video and learn about the proper way to boycott Israel and what products to stay away from. Good luck with your boycott...

For those of you wishing to boycott Israel, please watch this video to assist you and once again...GOOD LUCK


What? Israel was created by ethnic cleansing? You do realize that Israel was initially planned to be a tiny portion of what it is now. The Jews agreed, the Arabs did not. The UN passed it, giving, again, a sliver of what is now Israel to the Jews. Immediately, Arab nations surrounding Israel attacked, and Israel faced threats from Palestinians inside their territory. It was only DURING THE WAR that Israel expanded their territory, a war started by the Arab nations mind you, not Jews or Israel, and it was only expanded as a means to better protect themselves. If you look and read non-biased sources it's easy to see from a tactical view the boundaries that Israel took and stopped out in terms of best protecting themselves.


Garbage! Israel has always been the aggressor. Its mere inception and creation was an act of aggression and war. It exists only because of the murder, rape, ethnic cleansing and pillaging that took place in order to create it. To then lambast the Arabs for resisting that shows astonishing ignorance and lack of insight.

How about we Muslims come over and take Texas off you Yanks by force because we want our own little country there? You gonna just sit back after the UN ratifies our new nation or are you gonna launch attack after attack until you get back what was yours? hmmmmm
