Baby's father?

Was she making up that story about having a boyfriend to her parents? It felt like she was. Is the bookstore guy really the baby's father? Are they together or just friends?


This is one aspect I disliked about the film, namely that none of the few questions it raises were answered, or that answers were even hinted at. I don't need to see a movie in which a story (thin as it was) is presented to me, and I am then asked, "Make of that what you will". A cop-out.


There's no real doubt about this.

The father was an adult student of hers from Taiwan. Whether he was an actual "boyfriend" or just someone she turned to for company in her loneliness in a foreign country is not made clear -- and it hardly matters.

The bookstore guy clearly loves the girl, but is still too shy to do much about it -- though there are hints he may eventually become a bit braver.


Every dream is a prophecy: every jest is an earnest in the womb of Time.
