Rank The Seasons

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3


Season 1
Season 2

Season 3


I've known this for quite a while, but I am definitely in the very small minority on this one: I honestly love all three seasons the same. Which is to say, they're all fantastic.

"What doesn't kill you, defines you."


Season 2 - although I love every season, I just thought season 2 was the best overall. The bus crash set up a whole lot of different threads and mysteries and the way it all tied up over the last few episodes and how heartbreakingly emotional that last episode was. Just, urgh, everything was great!

Season 1 - The last 3 episodes bring the entire thing up to second place for me. Even on re-watches they still have the same impact.

Season 3 - Still loved it and I thought the rapes at Hearst was a great storyline with several parts of the episodes that felt very poignant to real life (especially with these kinds of stories actually coming out round the world) which I just thought worked excellently. It had a few snags but they didn't deter from my enjoyment, they were just noticeable in comparison to the previous two seasons (i.e. budget constraints and the fact that they were on the verge of cancellation).


I think season 3 gets a bum wrap. It never felt like a drop in quality to me, indeed it has some of the best standalone single episodes of the entire run.

I, controversially, find Season 2 a bit of a slog at times. It felt like they were making it up as they were going along, not saying I didn't like it, I just feel Season 3 gets far too much undue hatred.


Season 3 is more enjoyable on ones own schedule as opposed to the choppy scheduling the CW gave it, but it unfortunately cannot hold a candle to the first 3 seasons. The mysteries just aren't as compelling, not affect Veronica as personally as seasons 1 and 2 did.

Season 1 is fantastic and one of the best seasons of television ever.



But I think they are all great.



season 2

season 1


season 3


I watched the movie with my wife before I had ever seen the show, and I thought it was a decent movie. But I think she appreciate much more of it than I did because she had watched the show, and I missed a lot of the inside stuff that fans would get. I didn't really understand the relationships between all of the characters, I'm sure that when I watch it again I will get much more out of it. I'm waiting for it to arrive in the mail now! Will watch it this weekend. So it's been a couple years since then and I just finished watching the show this week.

The show was fantastic. I personally loved Season 3 and was not ready for it to end at all. I didn't realize that there were only 20 instead of 22 episodes like the first 2 seasons had, so when I finished watching episode 20 I was all set to start episode 21, and there wasn't one! I was floored haha.

Anyway, I binge-watched all 3 seasons back-to-back, having never seen the show before, and for me it's pretty clear in my mind that Season 1 was the best, but Season 3 was very, very close, and Season 2 is the weak link of the 3 (although I still loved it ... 9 out of 10 instead of a 10 out of 10 for season 1 & 3). I don't know why everyone thinks Season 3 is the worst, I liked the new setting at the college, and I liked the new characters, and most of all I liked that there were more mysteries to solve and it didn't feel as loaded with red herrings.
