
Before this show ever aired the previews for it kind of looked promising, but then it just completely fell off the face of the planet for some reason, and now I just got a chance to watch the first episode no wonder it's being canceled, this show isn't creative at all.

"it's just my opinion, but i'm right" - Max Kellerman


It's not too creative, but it's bloody hilarious. If you get the style of the comedy you'll love the consistently flawless delivery, and you'll get attached to the whole Jasper Molly story. Whatever. You just don't get it.


Umm it is possible to actually get a joke style, or a punchline if you will and still not find it funny at all, for example not everyone finds racist jokes funny, but yet some people do

just so you know.

"it's just my opinion, but i'm right" - Max Kellerman


That's a tasteless comparison.

By "getting" humour, you're appreciating it, not just acknowledging it.

Don't come on a forum for a long cancelled show and call it horrible if you get the humour. Learn to dig it, it'll make you healthier.


WOW are you serious? wow you just put a new level on the word wow, you're pretty much saying FORCE yourself to like something just because you understand it.

Well I understand rape, should I like rape too?

seriously you're brainwashed, it seems you will like whatever anyone feeds you, you need to have independent views.

"it's just my opinion, but i'm right" - Max Kellerman


wow. another horribly tasteless comparison.

I see where you're coming from, but you're entirely wrong. You can't say whether something is good or even "horrible" based on a first impression, it's simply unfair.

I didn't say to force yourself to like anything, let alone everything. I'm saying that if you give it a chance, it's worthwhile cause it develops its own whole style of comedy.

I was telling you to try to like it (ie: give it a chance)

and you think I don't have independent views? I'm practically the only person who likes this show in the whole world. shut up.


first impression is everything with a show, the first episode makes the show.

you told me to learn to dig it, which is basically saying make yourself like it, when after already saying I disliked it.

"I was telling you to try to like it (ie: give it a chance)", watching the first episode was giving it a chance which led me to believe you were asking me to force myself to like it.

and it's pretty obvious that you feel the need to get last word so having already proved you wrong I'll let you continue replying as this is my last reply to you.

"it's just my opinion, but i'm right" - Max Kellerman


does anyone agree with this idiot?


I'm practically the only person who likes this show in the whole world. shut up.

That should tell you something.


ugh, you idiot!
he told me to have independent views. I said I'm practically the only one who likes the show, as a point that I am thinking independently. and no, I'll like what I like, I'm not gonna conform to your stupidity


just be chill and see where the humor's coming from, if you see more episodes( i've seen ten) then you might like it. The fact that everyhting is so "special" to these guys makes it hilarious, especially the edible underwear


You need to watch more than the first episode. I find this show atleast 10x funnier than that 70's show, but for some reason it's still airing. I would love the dvd's with all the unaired episodes!


Ditto. Extremely awful. Won't see much of 2006.
