
As if anyone needed more proof that everyone working at FOX is completely retarded, we now have the indescribably unfunny "Life on a Stick". Now, granted, I haven't seen an entire episode (and hopefully I'll never have to), but the title of the show was just irritating enough to get me to click that little ad on the top of the AIM buddylist. Well, I fell right into the trap, because here I am at this webpage full of obnoxious colors that laughs irritatingly every time I move the mouse over a link. Not a good start.

But, I thought, you know, the people who made the show probably didn't design the webpage, so let's try out this video. I did indeed try out the video, and let's just say that if it's goal was to make me want to vomit and punch someone at the same time: Mission Accomplished.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, FOX has hit a new low, reality TV aside. While watching the video, I could hardly believe I was watching an actual show. It seemed more like some halfass sitcom spoof from some moron sketch comedy show like Mad TV (another piece of FOX-brand feces). There was actually laughter (obviously canned laughter) when the girl comes in and says she met some guy that was "a tool". Wow, groundbreaking dialogue there, fellas. Keep pumpin' out the Grade-A material like that and you'll be rising to the top in no time! Hey, you might even be the next Tarantino, or at least you might be able to come up with a concept for Simple Life 3: Rich Whores go to London.

I'm not going to go into the rest of the gag-inducing video, because you can go watch it yourself, but let's just say that if I ate some roadkill, *beep* it out, ate that *beep* and then vomited it all over a piece of paper, the product would be ten times as funny as the garbage these people have put on the screen. To think: FOX bothered not only to put this on the air, they decided that it should receive a generous ad campaign, when meanwhile they're letting Arrested Development flounder. Well played, FOX, in a few years your goal of eradicating quality TV will be complete. I'm going to pretend that Andy Richter Controls the Universe has on connection to this, and I think it would be wise for everyone else to do the same.


Well...I've watched two whole episodes and think it's hilarious.....and.....theres already a simple life three....it's called Simple Life:Interns Omg and you think roadkill and vomit is funny.....wheres is your sense of humour...that is gross!!!


Azmondious, you lost all credibility when you said Mad TV was awful. If you want awful, try watching recent seasons of SNL. Anyway, to go along with this horrible show, check out Stacked with Pamela Anderson.


"you think vomit is funny"

Maybe you didn't realize the blaringly obvious point I was making: That isn't funny, but it's still funnier than Life on a Stick. Clearer now?

"there's already a simple life 3"

Everything I said is completely shattered. Kudos.

"you lost all credibility when you said Mad TV was awful. If you want awful, try watching recent seasons of SNL."

That's precisely why I don't watch recent seasons of SNL. It's retarded too. That doesn't automatically make Mad TV worthwhile. Go rent the DVDs of Mr. Show if you want to see what sketch comedy should be.


I don't watch Mad TV because SNL sucks, I watch Mad TV because of Comedy Central and because it's funny.


thats not funnier than life on a stick. Matthew glave in the kitchen frying eggs in the nude then his stepdaughter walks in, and he "covers" himslef with the hot frying pan....THAT is funny, and them deep frying everything in their bosses office, that is so great I wish I had the balls to do that to my boss. Next time watch something before you pseudo critique it.


Yeah, the situation you described did not sound funny. It sounded like C-list sitcom material, which is what this show looks like it would be at its best. Wow, he put a hot frying pan on his crotch. Awesome, I'm completely won over. Pointless crotch jokes are always funny AND classy! You get both at once! Stick someone talking about kicking a guy in the balls and you get intelligent on top of it. Oh, I guess that did happen. Well, like I said, you've changed my view. I now want this show to have a long shelf-life. Long live Life on a Stick and it's many, equally funny, crotch jokes. I really hope Arrested Development goes off the air so they can just have this show on 24 hours a day on FOX. Hell, all they do on Arrested Development is TALK! Have someone make some fart jokes and we'll talk, fellas.

In all seriousness, I'm not going to watch this show just to bother adding credibility to my critique. You know why? Because it looks like garbage. Saying I shouldn't judge this on that preview clip is like saying you shouldn't form an opinion on a movie based only on the trailer. That's what its for. Its there to win you over and make you think "Hey, this looks funny". This one failed miserably. In fact, this is more eligible to be judged than a trailer, because this was a full scene, rather than a bunch of clips cut together. So, since I'm not a critic who gets paid to watch awful television, I'm not going to waste my time with it. Also, I think what I did might actually be described as a "critique".


Agreed. I feel sorry for the critics who DO have to watch this show to critique it, even if they are paid. Assuming this show won't be around very long, their misery will not last long, fortunately. Laugh-track sitcoms are on their way out.


the show must be REALLY bad if American Idol takes over the time slot this show was to first premire on-and when it finnaly does American Idol is before it.

Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap


Way to sound like a condescending prick. "Well, ladies and gentlemen". What the *beep* is that *beep* Pull your head out of your ass.

Ok since most of that is bleeped out, you'll have to be creative. I realize that may be hard for you, to be creative that is. But it's pretty easy.

I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart.


"Way to sound like a condescending prick. 'Well, ladies and gentlemen'."

Your award for most arbitrary criticism is in the mail, brodie. Saying "well, ladies and gentlemen" is condescending? How do you figure? That makes about as much sense as me saying "you said 'pull your head out of your ass'? Way to sound like a fat guy." How does saying "ladies and gentlemen" have any kind of condescension to it? If you want to hear condescension, maybe I should write a post about your cute, li'l angry face next to that quote. Because, lemme tell ya, that pretty much takes that quote, and just awesomes it the hell up. That quote was just sittin' there, mindin' its own business, and then BAM! here comes brodie_kashmir and his angry face. They should probably make a re-release of the Godfather II DVD and superimpose that face over Pacino's through the whole thing. Brodie's got some good ideas, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, *beep* I'm being condescending again.

Whoops, that got bleeped out...I now have no idea what it was, and I typed it! Damn me and my lack of creativity. Thanks, by the way, for explaining what might be hard for me in the previous sentence. I was sitting there scratching my head about that one for a good half hour before I moved on to the explanation. It wasn't quite as easy as you promised.


Wow, you're right, I'm a total ass. My insult was concise, where as yours was long and wordy. Obviously I have been bested.

And to bring in my quote, outstanding. I mean it made no sense, congratulations on that.

Now, unlike you, I have things to do, have a nice day.

I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart.


"My insult was concise, where as yours was long and wordy."

Good one. "uh...you used a lot too many words...huh huh...right?" Guess what, buddy, concise doesn't equal funny. If you got confused reading my post that's your own problem. You're making it real hard not to be condescending though.

"And to bring in my quote, outstanding. I mean it made no sense, congratulations on that."

Not a disjointed pair of sentences at all. Anyway, if you need me to just say it: The little angry face next to that quote makes it seem like you're about eight years old, not to mention it demeans the quote. Plus: "it made no sense"? What? Whereas your "um...you probably are bad at being creative. SLAMDUNK!" was the pinnacle of sense-making. Next time, if you want to try using some sarcasm, read it before you post to see if what you're saying has any meaning.

You talkin' to me? ; P


I've been reading all of these posts and I have to say I agree with you. "Life on a Stick" is crap. I actually watched the whole thing. (I am a critic of sorts therefore I had to..I am a staff writer for my high school paper.) Everything you said was true and you didn't even have to watch the damn show. I envy you. Anyway, It's nice to know that someone out there agrees with me. By the way, could you give me your opinion on "Without a Paddle?"


As much as I'd like to post a rant about "Without a Paddle", I haven't seen that either, since it looked pretty stupid.


This is thee most unfunny show I have ever seen! And we are talking worse than Hope and Faith!. I couldn't believe my eyes...

Your eyes can be so cruel, just as I can be so cruel.-Labyrinth


I thought it had a couple of funny parts In my opinion and I watch because well what the hell else is there to watch on a Wednesday Night at 9:30pm.I think the show is okay thats it.

Now MADtv was mentioned.Well I'm a huge fan of MADtv.

Bound To Destination anywhere yep that's me.
Not a fighter a writer.


Somebody take a bat and beat some sense of what funny is into azmondious. He has no sense of stupid humour god your an ass for crapping out BS about a show before you even see it. I find the previews to this show funny looking I still haven't seen an episode yet but I want to. MAD TV IS GREAT!!! I respect that you have an opinion but yours is crap. It's like every word you said came straight from your rectum. I bet one day you'll have an offensive colonoscopy.

Hey honeybunny if I know one thing it's that no one ever listens to a critic except people who want other people to tell them what to do for there life. Critics are only out there to point out movies with stupid humour. I refer to stupid humour as teenage humour or sick humour. Life on a stick is ment for the teens so if your not a teen you shouldn't crap out your opinion.

I bet with the way you sound you didn't like family guy either. If that's the case may death come slow and painfully to you by forcing you to watch these types of shows over and over for the rest of eternity. Well I don't mean to be flaming at you guys but you just can't say something without someone expressing there opinion.


"He has no sense of stupid humour god your an ass for crapping out BS about a show before you even see it. I find the previews to this show funny looking I still haven't seen an episode yet but I want to"

Well, you're giving the show a thumbs up without seeing it. Somebody missed the logic train.


No. No, it isn't.

Once again, go rent Mr. Show.

"Hey honeybunny if I know one thing it's that no one ever listens to a critic except people who want other people to tell them what to do for there life."

Profound. What's your point?

"I refer to stupid humour as teenage humour or sick humour."

There's a big difference between stupid humor, and teengage/sick humor. Teenage/sick humor is Scary Movie, which I *beep* hate. Stupid humor can be anything from Anchorman, which I like, all the way to Monty Python, who are gods of humor. Stupid humor can be irreverant, or purposefully stupid. Life on a Stick is unintentionally stupid.

"Life on a stick is ment for the teens so if your not a teen you shouldn't crap out your opinion."

I'm nineteen. Even if I wasn't, that wouldn't make any sense. Anyone can see what is good and what is not.

"I bet with the way you sound you didn't like family guy either."

Family Guy is one of the funniest shows ever. Maybe someone should beat some sense into you for liking both Family Guy and Life on a Stick.


As far as Life on a Stick being a teen show. I guess I'm the only one over 18 and even 21 who liked it.I'm 26 and I Watched it and enjoyed it. .And yes everyone has a right to an opinion but why say somebody's opinion is crappy if they have a right to it? Just a question Sorry if the question annoys anyone..

Bound To Destination anywhere yep that's me.
Not a fighter a writer.



Hard to argue with that one. I guess I'm an idiot.

Hey, why am I an idiot?

"uh....your mom!"

Yeah, you're right, we don't need to worry about those pesky little reasons. It's okay. I'm just an idiot.


Storywriter83, I'm in the same boat!
I thought it was hilarious at parts. It's not pretending to be an adult and complex comedy, it's not pretentious. it's a simple teen comedy.
The OP sounds like a pric k.


Ha! Man, "Hope and Faith" just can't get a break, even in other shows' forums.

As it should be.

The first episode of "Life on a Stick" was...okay. Tolerable. But I'm currently watching the second episode and I can't stop thumping my head against my desk to dull some of the intensely uncomfortable feelings that the..."dialogue," I think it's called in some circles...causes.



Why don't you cry about it?

I've seen enough to know it's not worth it.


The front-page review aptly termed it a "zing-com" which I think describes it perfectly. This has got to be the strangest sitcom since "Andy Richter Controls the Universe", except not as genius. The way the writers set up scenes and punchlines is almost extroadinarily fast and hyperreal. The actors deliver the lines almost monotone and with no facial expressions (sort of like younger, better looking Robert Bresson characters). I just think the show is odd. I didn't really laugh much either, which should always be the gauge to whether a show is good. Those of you who get a kick out of it, knock yourselves out. This thing will get cancelled within a few weeks, I gurantee.



I'm gonna try to come up with a comeback that's as well thought-out as your insult...

you dumb.

That worked out pretty well.




Like I'm saying, if you want comedy that doesn't suck, go rent or buy Mr. Show.

Oh, and: "silence newborn!!!"

Now's when you should probably just go away.







Uh-oh, it's the PC police. And you guys are calling me uptight.


Rant all you like. Just stop poking your finger at FOX so much, especially about not promoting an existing show in lieu of a new show. That's the business. If you don't like network television watch cable and shut up.


"Rant all you like."

Thank you, I will.

"Just stop poking your finger at FOX so much, especially..."

Are you kidding? Of all the things to defend, you're defending a television network? Why did you even bother to post? Listen, I think most people can agree that FOX is notorious for cancelling good shows, or at least shows with potential, to make room for whatever reality crap or stupid sitcom they have up their sleeves. The fact is that they are doing a piss poor job of promoting Arrested Development, an emmy-winning show of rave reviews. That's not even something you can argue. They aren't promoting it well. However, you seem to miss the point of this rant: Life on a Stick is terrible. It isn't just the fact that they're neglecting something great, it's the fact that they're putting this garbage on the air at all. FOX is scraping the bottom of the barrel, which is just stupid considering they have a lot of good things going for them.

"If you don't like network television watch cable and shut up."


This is the perfect lame, dismissive argument for people to use when they don't really have an argument, and they just don't want anyone *beep* on their opinions.

"Nobody's making you watch it, if you don't like it leave, shut up about it because I like it."

If you don't have anything substantial to add to that, just don't bother.



Maybe you didn't notice, but my post didn't just contain the word "retarded". It actually contained at least several other words which, if put together in sentence form, may or may not have formed my argument....which, by the way, you haven't done anything to refute.


Also, you lose all credibility for liking Paul Walker and Larry the Cable Guy. End of story.


