LOAS has been cancelled

from primetimetv.about.com who's in, who's out 2005 they announce yesterday that Life on a Stick has been cancelled. I went on another site and a fox stated that it has been cancelled. But reruns of the show WILL return in June.


yay, I hated it


I know. I didn't like it either. When I found out I was jumping up for joy. LOL


I didn't jump for joy because it wasn't that horrible but I wasn't surprised at all, it was over all a bad show and just wasn't very funny.


i thought new episodes will return in june...


F U C K no! This show was hilarious! *beep*

The pink pills are for your s a n i t y...


AWW MAN! that was my fave show to watch until degrassi returned! and why would they play re-runs when there was only like 6 shows!fox sux!


does anyone know if they are going to air the rest of the season? and i thought the show was awesome. especially the Laz takes off his girlfriends bra in his room.


Supposedly the rest of the season will air in June.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


I thought the show sucked! The only good thing about this show was the hot chicks.


The show sucked, but Saige Thompson was the best thing about the show. That girl is the Jessica Simpson of comedy.


yes! this show deserves it.


It never fails to bewilder me why "people" look up a show they hate on IMDB, much less go to the message board & then take the time to post.



Because its hilarious to see the morons who like the show and listen to other people trash a show as horrendous as this one was.





NOOOOO it was a good show it can't be true and if it is oh well




I know! Life on a Stick was so funny. They shouldn't have canceled it. The cast and the lines were great. I hope they put it on reruns!

Laz: Fred, we see your hat!
Fred: *Takes off hat*
Laz: Fred, we see you taking OFF your hat!


no it wasnt... it was an insult to civilized life as we know it. I believe that there are just 30 scripts for sitcoms running around (and around just 1 sitcom idea), they scrap where it says "Ross" and change it to "Jimmy"...

i swear, ive watch the same sitcom over and over again.

i love it how theres always these kind of characters:

-"the crazy one": phoebe, Latka, Fes, Fred, the stupid guy from thrid rock from the sun

-"the love interest": Rachel, Lilly, Donna

-"the generical white geek who is usually in love": Ross, the guy who is in this sitcom, and so on... it never ends, i strongly believe that sitcoms are made for white middle class people

-"the stupid hunk":Tony Danza in Taxi, Joey, Kelso, etc, etc

-"the black guy": forget it, the sitcom gets canceled so fast you wont even know what it hit it, black guys have their usual "cosby", in order to success (thats how tv land works)

-"the girl who has a messed up love life": monica anyone?

usually, it has all the elements, life on a stick had ALL the sitcom stereotypes... lilly was damn hot though.

...i dont know how that redeems the sitcom though


yo, friends appealed to a lot of bored and interested people( i watched it cause i was bored), but alot of people saw Napoleon Dynamite as another great character peace, not that i'm raggin on it but i still am out on that movie. You just have to find a version of "the same ol' script" that you liked and a GOOD select few liked this, like a GOOD select few liked Firefly or stacked.

No offense to any of these shows or their fans.


was one of the best show since ever!! loved it, sometimes it was so baaaad that I could stop laughing... I think those people who dind´t liked the series, are copmletley *beep* up, over 30 years old or just stupid. Yes sometimes the series seems to be getting worser and worser, but taht makes it special you need to ffel the series... I just saw the unaired episodes... GREAT!


Where did you see the unaired episodes? I really want to see those!


mininova.org, or another bittorrent site. tv.com has info about the show and the episodes.


LIFE ON A STICK ROCKS!!! It is absolutely HILARIOUS!!! Over here in England we get all 13 episodes, it rocks! :) On Nickelodeon. LOAS is one of the best shows on TV so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Don't bother posting if u hate it so much.

Love n Hugz,




In Belgium, the show has just been showed for the first time, it was below average, although that Molly is a pretty girl. :)


what a coincidence that the post above is also from a Belgian :) I thought I'd look up some info about this show, just saw it on VT4 for the first time. It doesn't surprised me this was cancelled so quick, I'm sorry but this REALLY isn't funny, in my opinion anyway. Most of the time I don't really mind a laugh track in a show that much, but this is actually the first time it bothered me to hear an "audience" laugh out loud to some quote that had no comical value whatsoever, at least not to me.

Maybe I just have seen enough sitcoms for a while, very few of those new sitcoms interest me. From every American sitcom that started after 2000 I only liked Grouned For Life.

I've heard good things about shows like My Name Is Earl and some others though, so I hope they will be aired in my country too.


You see it bothers me, that some people just don t understand taht many people have also many diffrent interests. So you can say, "I THOUGHT" this really isn t funny, but don t speak for all of us.
Cause many people also loved this show.
And I m proud do be part of this great part of humoristic people!


WELL IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!!! This show was PA-THE-TIIIIIIIC!!!!! A TOTAL & COMPLETE WASTE of time, money, and energy. NOTHING on it was funny, NOTHING on it was entertaining, I H-A-T-E-D this crap. VERY VERY HAPPY to hear that it is cancelled.


It was cancceled nearly a year ago. No wonder that slow people don t get the series...


Actually I thought it is a pretty good show. The Network cancelled it after 5 episodes, but Where I live we get all 13 episodes.. I started watching from episode 7 and I was hooked. The first 5 episodes were less entertaining I guess and the network guys have very little patience. which is sad.. If they gave the show a chance it could've lasted at least 5 seasons.
Great shows like Seinfeld and Arrested Development were almost cancelled if not personal plea from production company heads. NBC almost cancelled Seinfeld after second season (they didn't like it or like the ratings) but they were afraid Jerry Seinfeld would go to other network and they wanted to keep busy during the Late Show wars between Jay and Dave so they renewd for another season and the rest is history...



I watched this show when it originally aired on FOX and liked it then. Since they aired ALL the episodes on HDNet, I saved them all to my HDDVR and the show just got much better in the unaired eps. I really enjoy watching it. I think most people didn't realize that it wasn't SUPPOSED to be a ground breaking comedy. It is just silly fun with some pretty classic situations.


i seriously loved this show! i was upset they cancelled it.


thank god it was cancelled, it and that stupid ass the loop, both needed to be axed



i love this show!
and i hate when people look something up on imdb to trash it.
what do they get out of it seriously?


why did they cancel it i coundent stop laughing


Aww I liked it too, to begin with it was just fun to watch when there was nothing else on- but then I really started to enjoy it.
Admittedly, some recycled jokes and sceanarios- but I found some genuinely likable parts. The 'weiners' song I especially thought was brilliant, and the reactions to it.

Ahh well, not to everyone's taste I suppose. It's a shame all the things I like tend to get cancelled: Firefly, Strange, Angel... *clings on to Lost with both hands*


I AM Electro Girl


I thought Life on a Stick was hilarious...so did my brother. We loved when the German teacher made the student sit in "ze wobbley chair." He's like "it's oddly unsettling." Hehehe. I tend to like the "weirder" shows that are on though.


This has got to be the saddest canning of a show ever for me. I thought it was a show that should have a lot of seasons.


they REALLY need to bring this back. it was unbelievbly funny! i miss it so much and its been two years!!!!

i was never a pirate freak until i saw the movie


there is this website called tvlinks and you can watch the episodes there. here's the link:


Charlie Day!
