Not That Bad

after the premiere, i am very surprised how good this show is. I know it has gotten mixed reviews, but it is retro, action packed, hilarious, and had an excellent combination of music. I think that the acting isnt that great (but none is necessarily required for this show)


It is pretty good.



It was an interesting show. I liked how the Johnny Zero was alway getting beaten up. I liked his weird partner.
have a great and sober day
barb from sunny san francisco


Upset they took it off, I was tunning in every Friday, I LOVED this show!

Oh No!! It's Baron Von 'Once Bad Then Good Now Bad Again' Beaver!


I agree. I was really mad when they took it off, just to shove in reruns of That 70's Show. I like That 70's Show, but geez, FOX... you had episodes left you never aired!
