Ripped off Phil Hendrie

This show is a pale immitation of Phil Hendrie's radio show. They just ripped off his material.


dude i love phil hendrie

im going to eat your liver with some farva beans and a nice chianti


Phile Hendrie is great but it's not a ripp off. 1. This is a TV show, his is a radio show. 2. This is a pardoy of cross fire not Phil Hendrie's show. 3. Phil Hendrie plays all of the characters, this is a mix of real experts and actors.


phil hendrie sounds like a ripoff of jamie kennedy


It's Crossfire PLUS Phil Hendrie.


Phil Hendrie does not have a monopoly on this sort of prank comedy. Was SouthPark a rip off of The Simpsons because there was already an animated comedy on TV?
