MovieChat Forums > Tekken (2010) Discussion > Live-action movie is better than Blood V...

Live-action movie is better than Blood Vengeance


BV was horrible. The story didn't even fit into the game cannon. I went and watched it when they had that Fathom events thing, and I just got the Tekken 3D: Prime Edition (which I got for $20 used, not too bad) and gave it a second look, and man, is BV great on a visual level, but it just sucks everywhere else. Yeah, Harada-san needs to realize that the live-action film wasn't THAT awful. It actually worked well as a movie.


Try watching the first 30 minutes of both films and you'll see why the live-action movie is better.


I enjoy both honestly, but am not quite sure which I like better. I love the final fight in BV, but I think the characters are better in the live-action film. Well Jin and Heihachi anyway. I like the '90s anime Kazuya better.


LOL!! Blood Vengeance was f#@*ing $h!T!!

No Sparkling Wiggles here!
