Trialers!!! yep thats what i said..i have Trialers!!

yo dudes and dudets..

they finnly put out a website for both of these has the synopses for both films, more pics, cast bio, and 2 trialers..i just veiwed both trailers and i must say that the movies does look cool..but just like reported..i seen zombies getting shot in the head and i saw one zombie that got snaped in the still very dissapointed in that..but there was lotes of brain eating so it looks decent..and i like the way the zombies call out "Brains"...the makeup is exselent...exspacally on the uber zombies...Tarman has never looked better...although, thses zombie dont look like they run...but im going to ignore that...they now call it the chemicle is differnt...and on one of the drums the chemicle appers to be in a slim form..i for one is now finally somewhat exsited to see these movies...i can probally not let the changes bother me..its going to be hard ..but the chemicle is differnt..thats whats keeping me sane right now...

so here u go

I'm not crazy, I'm just mentally insane.



i am 21...why u ask?

I'm not crazy, I'm just mentally insane.


I just tried watching the trailer and I had to stop because of all the headshots... what the heck are they doing? You don't kill "Return" zombies like that. What morons, the movies are going to be stinkburgers like the 3rd one.

"Watch your tongue boy if you like this job" ROTLD 1&2


**I just tried watching the trailer and I had to stop because of all the headshots... what the heck are they doing? You don't kill "Return" zombies like that. What morons, the movies are going to be stinkburgers like the 3rd one.**



Regardless I stand by my original statement. It's nearly as bad as the "Star Wars" nerds who want to string up Lucus for beafing up a few effects and sticking in an extra scene or two...

"Watch your tongue boy if you like this job" ROTLD 1&2


ugh, these movies look awful.


I thought so too, mainly because of the headshots, but they seem to have an explination for that so I will give them the benifit of the doubt and see the movies anyway. It's not like I ever refused to watch a zombie movie because I was afrid it was going to be bad.


i just want to say that no one on this forum can spell worth a *beep*


That's every forum, but hey if it was SO important they would put a spellcheck function in here, I personally have neither the time nor the inclination to check it myself... I have other things to do with that time...


lol maybe we all dropped out of school ever think about that

Ok you win no more brains..........for now


That's a possiblity in my case I've never been a very good speller, I do most of my posting late at night and type fairly fast. Further, as I stated above I haven't got the time nor the inclination to check my spelling unless IMDB wants to add a built in spellchecker like comes with my word processor.


Dear god, these look horrible. The trailer looks like it is trying to be a parody trailer. Did I hear right when the kid said the drug that turns people into zombies is called "Z"???

This looks so low budget and crap-like that I could almost swear it was Troma. And not the good Troma, but the REALLY BAD Troma.

When there is no more room in hell, parking will be a bitch


In that case I guess the trailers haven't changed (they were pretty bad when I saw them), I only hope that maybe they were kidding with them and that the real trailers will be shown closer to the release date. After all I didn't really start seeing ads for "Land of the Dead" until recently.


Dear Christ these trailers were friggin terrible!!! To prove the point my kid brother (13)was so pis sed off by these, he made a trailer for 'children of the living dead' (a god awful film) in literally 20minutes on his PC (including music and voice over), and it STILL kicked the ass off these crappy trailers! If a 13 year old can make a bloody awful film look action packed in less time than it takes to shower and shave, who the hell did they get to put these together?


why dont the trailers work for me?

"I Was Being Patient, But It Took Too Long!"-Anya Jenkins (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)


Those arent the real trailers those are sales tapes they used for distributors


Are you running ‘Peer Guardian’?

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


Did anyone else hear the techno theme from Mortal Kombat: The Movie in the background of the "Rave from the Grave" portion of the trailer? Seriously, you can even hear the words Liu Kang and Raiden in the background. Not to knock these silly ass trailers, but I've gotta wonder if this little slip mirrors the production value of these films.

I don't know whether I should be excited or disappointed in how these films look. They obviously don't have the same heart and soul that the core zombie movies (Night, Dawn, Day, Return) had, but few zombie movies do. I think, for any zombie fan, these will probably be worth a watch, if not for some good, gory humor, then to enhance his or her knowledge of the zombie genre.

Finally, you never know what helpful tips these films will provide in the probable event of a zombie apocalypse. So, we should all take notes so (when our nightmares come true (dreams for some) we can all keep a cool and level head, becoming shining knights in the war against the undead... when it finally happens.


Look I understand that this is a promotional trailer that this is not the finished producted... but this movie and it's sequel looks to make Uwe Boll a cinimatic genius. I don't see any way possible for them to make it better in post production. The dialogue, the setting, the premise look straight out of 82. Which isn't saying much for it concidering that the original "spoof" of the living dead movies came out in 85. Where is the dark humor? The biting commentary? The things that made the first two really good and even the third bareable. I had high hopes for the sequels... now it's going to be tough getting reinterested.

Blah Blah Blah


I absolutely agree with you that these are a long way away from the originals. However, arguments can be made that these films have some attempt at social commentary. Though we can't judge until they're released, Return of the Living Dead 4 dwells upon a major corporation. Perhaps it will make some sort of statement about consumerism. The fifth installment details events that occur on a college campus and within both the drug and rave communities. It is entirely possible that these are intended as metaphors, as well. Though they may seem a bit "on the nose", we cannot ignore these possibilities. Based upon the footage presented through the trailers, it's quite clear that we shouldn't expect the same luster that the first couple of installments had. However, we'd be doing a disservice to both the film makers and ourselves to go into these, or any other films, with a closed mind. So, if you do choose to see these movies, go into them without making too many assumptions about the quality of it. You'll just end up disappointed and will have wasted $6 (or whatever your local grindhouse charges, assuming that even the most elite of them picks it up).


Trialers?!? One word: Spellcheck (or High School Diploma *lol*)

Anyhoo, the official trailers (and poster art for that matter) for ROTLD: Necropolis and ROTLD: Rave to the Grave are now up on the official ROTLD website <>;. They are a vast improvement on the promo trailers. PS.- check out my website <>;, as I attended the NecroComicon Convention and met such ROTLD alumni as Clu Gulager, Don Calfa, Brian Peck, Linnea Quigley, Allan Trautman and my good friend Beverly Randolph (which I posted some pics exclusively on her site as well <>). Aimee-Lynn Chadwick was also there, and I got a chance to meet her as well.
