The Army's Effectiveness

I was re watching this the other day and couldn't help but wonder. How effective would the army truly have been in the modern world? From what little we see of it the soldiers are slow, clunky, close range and easily broken apart for modern weapons. I've sure they were more than enough to fight humans armed with at best iron spears or swords, but I don't see them being that effective against modern humans. Sure, release them in a crowded civilian area and they could so a lot of damage. Yet sooner or later they would have to face human military forces and would at best constantly blown apart by modern missiles if not damaged and destroyed. At worse sooner or later you could nuke them.

Did anything else clarify how Nuada planned to use the Golden Army? On its own I don't see it being that effective against the sheer number of modern humans and technology.


They have been shown able to repair themselves at will during their fight against Hellboy and Johann. Meaning they are invincible, no matter how much you throw at them they will reform and continue fighting.

"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."


Meaning they are invincible, no matter how much you throw at them they will reform and continue fighting

They fought with their hands or pretty easy tools and managed to dismantle them, not modern weapons. A nuclear explosion may have vanished them without a trace. So my guess.
They may magically resist it but no-one knows that anyway.
But what's clear is that back then they built an army to defeat the past threat... who would know how it stands against modern warfare?
Things get investigated much better now than back then (if they did that back then anyway), even the chemical composition. And counter weapons are built.

Races/Species that age very slow, develop very slow too.
Noticed that combination in several movies and series... even cartoons.

Mankind can be very ingenious.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


How could you nuke a densey populated area ? That's the common hollywood answer from the us army to any threat in any sci-fi movie, the nuke, but it really isn't pracical. Anyway as you stated Malakith is a century old elf who had little contact with the human world because he despise them, so he may have been unaware that they even possessed a military

"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."


We wouldn't know the army's path. I mean they are on Ireland... an island. ^^
They surely would have to move from there as no-one would care about the possibly world's most powerful army when it remains on... Ireland.

That's the common hollywood answer from the us army to any threat in any sci-fi movie

TV series are getting worse too. FBI agents shooting on suspects in the middle of a crowd. Police too... I'm not too sure but I'd think... hope... that such behavior is forbidden in reality. They could easily hit an innocent, directly or indirectly.

I'm so used to such series already that this only occurs to me when I watch very old agent movies that have a rare use of handguns.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


Ouor weapons would crush them at first, but they would keep coming. Destroying bases and food sources ect. We would exhaust all of our resources eventually then they'd outnumber and crush us.

That's your problem, welcome to Philly.
- Danny Devito


but would they survive a nuke? I mean if it is the level of tsar bomba they would probably be instanly vaporized.


i guess it depends on how powerful the magic is that animates them. They would have to be able to
regenerate at a sub-atomic level. That's insanely overpowered but I guess that was the point of the army.

That's your problem, welcome to Philly.
- Danny Devito


my thoughts exactly


I guess you missed the part where dismembered peices just crawled togheter and made them whole again. How do you intend to destroy an army that can rebuild itself right there and then?
Nuke? All you gonna do is buy 5 minutes and blow up your own world while they are just, well, rebuilding themselves.
its the ultimate force, unstopable, indestriuble, or how did they put it :)
Only way to stop it, is destroy the means to control a mechanised army like that, wich they did.
Any last words ?
Shut the *beep* up
-Mutant Chronicles-


The short wave radiation of nukes turn matter into plasma - the radiation hitting the matter in the atmosphere is what gives you the fireball. The Golden Army would be disassembled on the atomic level.

At any rate, if a shot from a little pistol can take one down then a 1000lb bomb from a strike aircraft would spread the pieces so far they'd be hiking for hours trying to re-assemble. Then all you need to do is put each piece in a little jar.

Place the jars on rocket ships and shoot them toward the Sun. There, Golden army defeated.


You put an end to this discussion and it was done with finesse. I laughed and laughed, both at your comment, and the idiocy found in this juvenile movie.


Why waste a nuke if you can simply trap them? I'm sure it's possible to create cages or boxes that can contain these clockwork robots. Or render them immobile with steel cables, nets, rapidly hardening foam or whatever. Or simply dig a deep enough hole and wait for them to fall in. Their self-repair gimmick isn't going to help them if they're trapped or immobilized, and there are so many ways to do that.


Its magic bro, even if the particles were blasted into plasma, whos to say the magic couldnt re arrange the sub atomic particles themselves. Because well... magic doesnt follow sciences silly rules.


Absolutely right


I'm guessing if the others weren't there, Liz could maybe have gotten hot enoughto melt some of them so that they couldn't reform. Melted gold apparently cannot rebuild itself, since she melted the crown.

Remember, they are a golden army, which has a melting point.


So true, they would fail

