Is Hellboy's body real?


is his body makeup or is that Ron Perlman's real body?



He is a pretty big guy, but most of what you see is makeup/prophetic


Well, most of him was makeup though.

Man is a military animal, glories in gunpowder, and loves parade.


Did this one not make much money??



Anything above his belt is latex prosthetic (chest face ect) on his face the only parts not covered are his eyes and mouth and his chest is a latex body attached to the lycra unitard


Perlman's thinner than Hellboy. It's a suit.

Can't stop the signal.


If you go see him in movies where he's bare chested and in shape (he sometimes gets fat for certain roles), he's clearly huge and ripped enough to pull HellBoy.

So this is NOT a Tim Burton's Batman suit which can stand up on its own.

I would say that's pretty much Ron Perlman's body, but obviously enhanced and more ripped thanks to makeup and prosthetics. But he just wouldn't look that convincing if he were a say Jesse Eisenberg.


Certainly not real body. If you watch extras on DVD, it is shown how they made that costume. And Perlman actually had to lose weight to fit into it.


It's a body suit. Ron has definitely been in good shape, but he's never been anywhere near THAT buff. :)
