Am I the only one who thinks the (human) agents are pretty much like red shirts, cannon fodder? They die and no one seems to care about, and that happens in Hellboy 1 too.

Funny how they all wear suites but some seem to have such interesting functions as serve the dinner...


Yep. That's pretty much what they are.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


I think of the Animated Hellboy Blood & Iron when Junio Agent Leach says "I cant wait til I see some action" Then Agent Clark replies "careful...."

I try to write down the names of the agents somewhere whenever I hear them.

Attention: you have just been hadoukened


The presence of the other agents always seems a little odd. They're going into a building or sewer system where they expect to encounter some hideous monster, so they send in the near-invincible half-demon, the clairvoyant fish-man and the pyrokinetic girl who can blow things up with her mind... aaannd for some reason, they're backed up by three or four guys in suits, armed with handguns. Now, why would they be there...?

Yep, their entire job is to give the hideous monster something to kill before Hellboy and the other two take it down. Classic Redshirts.
