Suicide Girls?

In the scene with Vinny Jones in the whore house, were those all Suicide Girls?


yeah, it looked like it.
I said "hey its.." and then stopped since the fact that I would even be able to notice would have been weird to explain.

Feed Me a Stray Cat


Lol. You should never be shy. ^_~


it was weird i was on the internet and i read a statistic that said....
not every female with pink or green hair is a suicide girl.

i couldnt believe it.

suicidegirls is some lame ass label ppl who know absolute d1ck throw around thinking its hip, like saying emo or throwing up the only shows how 5-10yrs behind you are.

ps suicide girls are lame. anyone with 500 bucks to blow on a photo sho0t can do it. sorry ladies no velvet ropes around that club any a55hole gets in...


Wow!!! Really??? I never would have guessed...

I realize that not every girl who has an alternative image and shows up nude or semi-nude on a movie will be a Suicide Girl; however, when you see one paticular scene where several of the girls happen to fit the above criteria then it is a logical question to ask. And, you know, it turns out that some of the girls were Suicide Girls.

Now, you can think whatever you want about the Suicide Girls corporation as a whole because I don't really care, nor did I ask.


wow i dont whats more impressive your sad attempt at sarcasm or that you posted your ignorance for all to see and someone nails you for it you try to make them look like the a55hole. my opinion wasn't pointed at you i was changing the subject to something interesting. yyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaawwn

ps. eat a brick


"it was weird i was on the internet and i read a statistic that said....
not every female with pink or green hair is a suicide girl.
i couldnt believe it. "

*Puts on sarcastic voice* Bullshizzle. There is no way that's true!

Hehehe, I have the same problem. Anyone that seems to wear black these days is counted as a Goth (Any kind of black) and those that listen to anything other than mainstream music are considered emos (Since when the *beep* was Andrew WK emo?)?



wow way to kill the convo creepy, i assume if you had a second set of arms you would have been rubbing your hands ala mr. burns while typeing that.

tats??? who says that in a non-sarcastic tone. do you have a black silky button up shirt with blue flames on it? fess up come on.


yes they were.


Though she's not credited in the film or on the dvd, Nixon Suicide of the Suicide Girls is credited in the extended cast credits on imdb. She can be seen in the bar scene with Vinnie Jones. (she's the pole dancer)

Incase you're curious about Nixon and the Suicide Girls, here's a link.

Villains can be heroes too.


No, they weren't all Suicide Girls. I know a few as my tattoo guy used to date one and I know Nixon who was in the movie. They invited the Suicide Girls to the shoot and were going to "promote their site", but frankly Suicide Girls would promote this movie more than the movie would promote them. Hell, it did *beep* in the box office.

There were three "Suicide Girls" in it, but the only main Suicide Girl (one that is involved, not that just does one shoot a year) was Nixon.

Not sure Lauren was a big fan of having any of the girls on the set anyway.
