MovieChat Forums > Hell Ride (2009) Discussion > Complete waste of time.

Complete waste of time.

I rented this movie at blockbuster one day thinking it could be a good time killer. Considering i love grindhouse type films ever since i can remember. There are 2 hours of this movie that i will never have back. I watched it with my girlfriend and i could not believe how bad it's everything that's wrong with this waste of film.

-The Tarantino one-liners, they feel forced and cheesy.

-There's no story line at all, all i picked up on the so called "plot" is..biker gang trying to avenge death blah blah blah. All i remember was it being very boring and cliche.

-Dennis Hopper, what happened to you? you were such a badass back in your day, old school....he's so wasted in this movie it just shows that he was in the movie simply for a paycheck. plus his character is also a caricature of a particular character he played in the film that started his career...Easy Rider. Anyone that's seen easy rider will know what i'm talking about.

-Larry Bishop, LMAO, he must have blown the right person to get this movie done, he's such a waste of time, character, and has zero charisma. Everything this guy says in the movie is just so lame and contrived, wait till' you get a load of his botched attempts at being philosophical, it's to the point of comical. A total HACK.

-Do not buy into the Tarantino moniker. this movie is terrible, it should have never seen the light of day, it belongs in a mexican landfill along with ET for Atari.


I completely agree. wtf?


you actually only wasted 1 hour and 23 minutes. unless you spent 40 minutes crying about wasting your time
also Dennis Hopper does everything recently for a paycheck. check out his last 90 films!

I hate how IMDb signatures look like part of the post.


"Considering i love grindhouse type films ever since i can remember"

Hell Ride was much, much closer to real grindhouse flicks, in sensibility and execution, than anything Tarantino's ever done.


Hopper, Carradine, Madsen and Jones are good actors. Probably too good for this film. Larry Bishop makes this movie. He's more like a real biker guy. There are bigger and badder bikers but they are dumber than he is. They look to an experianced guy like Larry Bishop to point them in the right direction. I think that's why this is closer to a real grind house flick. They used to use real bikers, your not going to run into one of these actor types on a harley in a real biker gang in real life.



Watch Sons Of Anarchy.

Hell Ride is just embarrassing. The women were gorgeous. Everything else about this movie is lame and lazy.

Marty: Romeo and Juliet, the dyslexic version.


Sons of Anarchy? LOL!


Yawn elitist wannabe bikers on a movie forum. Now that's funny.

Marty: Romeo and Juliet, the dyslexic version.




I bought this movie to add to my biker collections. It was a good flick to me. I like low budget filmmaking as long as it's shot on film and not video. It adds to the look.

San Diego Ca, Indie Filmmaker


After all of the negative comments I have read I was about to pass this one by. CHANGE of PLANS -In five minutes I will be watching it but, only because I loved ET for Atari 2600. Well, okay it sucked but back then ET and Raiders of The Lost Ark were about as complex as the 2600 got. I let you know later if the next two hours of my life have been wasted or not.


Okay it wasn't as good as I would have liked but it was better than I expected. I didn't realize that Bishop was the coked-out strip club owner in Kill Bill 2. As funny as his part was in KB2 he didn't really blow my doors off in Hell Ride. By the end of it I was somewhat interested in the character but the movie needed stronger dialogue, even if it was supposed to be grindhouse (was it?). Anyways it's decent enough to entertain.


awesome film!! you know nothing keep you're teenage sinasizm to yourself. great story for starters. its about an honest man keeping his word to the love of his life, a mean damaged man out for revenge but needs his son by his side before he extracts the bloody revenge.. bet you did'nt even understand half the refrences in the film to old biker films such as Qaudrophenea and easyrider low budget yeah! but to keep that stylish art cult feel with the grindhouse gore is very well done' my opinion cult classic that slipped under the radar, not helped by dicks like this ripping it off!! watching a film like this with your GF not advized also!!


Not a complete waste.

Its mildly entertaining and a good way to kill otherwise useless time. But I will agree its Tarantinos worst film, and should be forgotten once watched. Dont dwell on how mediocre it is, just move on.
