MovieChat Forums > Hell Ride (2009) Discussion > Bikers really say 'BOOTY?' ROFL!

Bikers really say 'BOOTY?' ROFL!

First off, I was quite disappointed with this film. Great cast that was utterly wasted, and an overindulgent director(which happens more frequently nowadays) that ruined the experience with his hacked up storytelling. But getting to a more ridiculous point, I couldnt believe my ears when it got to the "three B's" nonsense. We have these seriously hardcore *beep* bikers, and THEY LIVE BY Bikes, understandable, Beer, weak, but ok, and BOOTY?!? WTF!?! BOOTY? SERIOUSLY? I was stunned. Bi-tches, ok. Even Babes, ok. But Booty? What flippin year is it? What type of biker actually says Booty? What's next. Pistolero saying "I need to get some pootie-tang? LOL. Seriously, I couldnt take anything serious after this line.(not that I did in the first place) BOOTY was used numerous times in the film, and that word alone makes these bikers out to be clowns. Anyone agree?


Yeah, I don’t think bikers use hip-hop slang.


Maybe they meant loot like Pirate Booty! :) Not that it would have helped.


I think you may have missed the humor in them using the word "booty" instead of "bi-tches". Most of the movie was pretty tongue in cheek the entire time, thus the use of the word "Booty".

Stop over thinking everything in life, it just makes things that much more complicated.


I agree. Everyone is hating on this movie like it should be some kind of bs tom hanks hollywood epic. The film is NOT trying to be a serious story about realistic bikers. It is, in fact, absolutely hilarious.

"My life used to be one big bike and booty epic.. until you and Pistolero came along and it's become a goddamn whopper of a chopper opera," --The Gent.

Either you take yourself too seriously and want to say, "oh that's an overuse of alliteration and what biker would ever use the word booty anyway," or you can relax a little, and laugh at the fact that, as the British would say, the entire dialogue, content, and cinematography of this film is TAKING THE PISS.


The use of the word booty had nothing to do with thinking the film was a turd. I love B-Movies. This one just wasn't any good at being bad! :)


They meant "booty" as in "plunder".


Booty means plunder. It's what pirates and outlaws gangs do.
