movie cover

i loved this movie. a complete surprise. what i didn't like was how the cover is misleading. if i was going to 'judge a book by its cover' i would go ahead and assume HKA was just another typical bollywood film. this movie is so much more than that and then some more. but the cover leads me to believe that it will be nothing more than some badass wannabees.


agree with you. because of the cover i ignored this movie when it was released. saw it today, 4 years after its release. liked it very much.


ya!! stupid styoopid cover !!
i'm sure u talkin bout this...

i bought it yest, thankfully outer cover of my VCD is much more better than above link picture. but still, one which I'm talking bout(which shows shiney n chitrangada back to back like lovebirds n kay kay standing aloof) is not up to the mark. It sounds like totally different movie from wat it is.

but earlier one was horrible!!! why did they give gun in chitrangada's hands?? its best suited for some movie like johney gaddar(which was a good movie, don't get me wrong).


Completely agree. I always skipped over this movie due to it's cover. Finally saw it last week and was blown over.
