i was surprised that troma released this. especially, it being a foreign film. i am a fan of troma--but c'mon they have released some really bad ones over the years. i do agree w/ reviewer that 'man bites dog' and 'series 7' are slightly better....but all things considered, this was a strange, creepy, and hard-to-watch (at times) flick. some really intense scenes....

not only should fans of troma check this out (they prob already know about it) but horror fans should too.



this film is bizarreee

Victory is mine!


It's awesome that Troma picks up really good independent art-house movies that no one else will touch. Another example is Beg!.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


This is one of the best and hard to watch films I've seen, and by the interest shown on this site cruelly underwatched. I'll have to find out more about that 'Beg!' film you mention grrrdevin.

I've put my thoughts up on the site I've knocked together below...


Really, really good film.


So what exactly is Troma's connection to this film? Did it just pick it up as a distributor? I've seen this in the bins, and I was curious, but I have to say the Troma imprint was a drawback.

I'm not particularly fond of the quality of Troma-produced films, but if it's distributing movies rejected by other studios, I'm intrigued. I just wish there was a different imprint for non-Troma films that Troma distributes.

