Good Lord, did you see the actor's makeup??

It was DEAD ON. Now that's some funny sh*t. When I first saw it, I was in shock. After that, I could not stop laughing.

But dude...props to the makeup guy...or send him a lynch mob for making it so eerily hideous.

you know, you're pretty funny for a guy with nine fingers!


Dead on? Are you blind?



me too.

I was surprised at first, but after the commercial was over i couldnt stop laughing. I hope that actor knows what he has gotten himself into.



well maybe it was not dead on, i got a five second look at it, but from what i could see it was pretty freaky. the color, the nose, the chin, the eyes, i mean was scary.

you know, you're pretty funny for a guy with nine fingers!



Yeah, entertaining but not accurate. When the director gives interviews saying that he's basing it on factual information (i.e. taking bits from various tabloidish unauthorized biographies written by people who have rarely or never met MJ), and then goes on to create a main character in the movie who doesn't exist in real life ("Bobby") - well it's not going to "reveal" much, is it?


Sure does make for a funny movie, though!

Wherever I am, I find myself looking out the window, wanting to be somewhere else


I haven't seen the MC Hammer one, so I'm guessing Jacko's not being singled out as far as this cheap tacky stuff is concerned.


Really though, most TV movies--especially about celebrities--have to be taken with a grain of I said, I expect this will be a funny and entertaining movie (I laugh my *** off at Flex's makeup alone) but you can't look at things like this and expect to learn the facts or anything.

Wherever I am, I find myself looking out the window, wanting to be somewhere else



I know scary isn't it!

"You are a f***ing moron! Thank you." Reginold the demon.



Sure they could get some kind of mask. If they could reproduce the Elephant Man, Michael Jackson should be a piece of cake.


Not when you have a very dark skinned actor, and a limited budget.



Originally, there had been a prosthetic nose created for Flex to wear in the earlier scenes of Michael's life. For whatever reason, a decision was made to not to use it.


Flex was way too tall and muscular looking.

I had trouble taking his portrayal seriously.

Sorry Flex, I know it wasn't your fault, lol.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


It was another funny scene about the movie. How long did you spend on putting on that kind of makeups?
