Doggy Poo rulz!

Wow this movie was great, i mean it is about dog poo after all and that is a great topic. i hope others take after this inspirational film and make more films about dog poo or perhaps even rat poo. i also like to call poo poop because that is funny. lookout for the rabid weasels because they will nip at your heels when you least expect and this can lead to rabies or some other undesirable infection. god bless the US because it is truly coo. yeah you heard me, pepsi cola IS better than coca-cola. what do you have to say about that...................... Jack?

Cars drive people places that are neat. I also like thank big guy upstairs, Tom Jones that is.


You are silly! This film is Korean not American. Poo has never been so heartfelt, so beautiful and so soft!

"Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion"


This truly is a triumph for poo, a poo masterpiece. I hope more crap is made about poo soon.





there could be a about "doggy poo number two" revenge of the feces.


I just watched this through Netflix....The "You're not just any poo, your doggy poo." Is the quote of the year for me. Watching Doggy Poo cry and hearing that banter was hysterical.
