
What a selfish character she was. I can understand her being frustrated with his OCD and turret's but she never even really gave him much of a chance, and then just using him for sex and making him think there was still a chance of getting back together. I think she was the one with the problems, not sure what she wants and jumping from one relationship to another.


I am partially agree with you. You are right about calling Stevie "selfish". but try to walk in her shoes. It wouldn't be easy.
I am not justifying her actions I am just trying to understand why she acted in such cruel way.

She could have been more supportive, that's true. But honestly, who in her situation would have acted differently? Not so many people, I am afraid.


Mark deceived Stevie when he married her. He posed as a normal man. When in later days he replayed his wedding video, he could see himself trying to suppress spasms, and it contributed to his insight that he had always been mentally ill and always would be, however much he tried to cover it up. Stevie was duped by Mark, and felt sorry enough for him when he cracked up to try to patch things up in bed. Later, when he became a nuisance and a stalker, she understandably became offended and angry.


Mark did not deceive Stevie! He wasn't pretending to be "normal", he was TRYING to be "normal"!
If he was deceiving anyone, it was himself!

IMHO Stevie was one of these condescending stuck up bleeps who think that everyone should cater to her every want and need.

At the very beginning she was nagging and complaining to him.
Granted it was because he was late, but she didn't even give him a chance to explain.
Even if he did, she wouldn't have listened.

Also she expected him to be just what she wanted him to be.
I mean, just because he wanted to clean up broken glass from the bathroom floor, she said he "ruined her whole vacation"?!
What the bleep is that about?

I couldn't stand Stevie.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


Hi Buglet

Yes, you're right, Mark deceived himself primarily. But someone who knows they have a mental problem should reveal it to others, don't you think? It's a bit like STDs --- people should reveal their problems to others in a relationship. Stevie did have a try at patching things up, and (I think) understandably became exasperated. Good luck!


Clearly Mark was unaware that he had a disorder, which was revealed by the films most poignant scene, until he finally equated his "habits" as a child with his current disorder. Also his disorder was progressive which is why it had not been an issue until now where it had worsened and become much more noticeable to everyone including himself. I think that was quite the point of the film.

Also while Stevie was not a morally reprehensible character her flighty disposition was not one that helped Mark in any way and although it was not her responsibility to "fix" Mark her flights of fancy had a most unhealthy affect on him.

The film cleverly throws us a red herring in the beginning by making us think his mental state is due to his marital problems but in reality he had it all along it had just not progressed to a point where it affected his life as it does now.

There is NO Gene for the Human Spirit.


I can understand her not wanting to be with him any more but she should had least tried to get the guy some professional help. He obviously had a serious problem.


I agree that Stevie was not a likeable person, totally enjoyed when Charolette slapped her, but she didn't know what was wrong with Mark and she didn't know how to deal with it so she fled! Mark didn't even know what was wrong with himself. Even the Doctor told him it was a side effect of depression!! They were just beginning to understand OCD back then. The support group was the first time he was even aware that there were other people out there with the same problems he was experiencing. I also think that her having sex with him, trying to reconnect with the man she first met maybe? Was very selfish of her cause that is what started his obsession.



You've missed the point here. Stevie was as much a victim as Mark. Mark's condition left no room for Stevie's feelings and needs to be addressed. She wasn't a bitch by design anymore than Mark could help the selfishness his condition resulted in.
